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34-year-old dies after knife attack in Berlin-Neukölln

A 34-year-old man who was stabbed in the neck during an altercation in Berlin-Neukölln on Friday died of his injuries in hospital on Sunday afternoon. Police announced this on Monday. An arrest warrant has been issued against the suspect at the request of the Berlin public prosecutor’s office, and the homicide squad is investigating the case.

A 39-year-old had stabbed the man with a cutter knife on Friday evening life-threatening injuries inflicted after the two had an argument on the sidewalk in Zwiestädter Straße at around 8.30 p.m. The suspect initially fled, but later turned himself in to the police.

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Before an ambulance arrived, police officers and several passers-by had treated the 34-year-old, who was critically injured. He was then taken to hospital, where he was given a resuscitated must be.

There have been further knife attacks in Berlin in recent days. Last Thursday, a 28-year-old stabbed a 26-year-old on Gesundbrunnen Station stabbed in the neck with a kitchen knife after an argument. The victim was seriously injured.

On Sunday night, an as yet unknown man attacked a 39-year-old at the Jannowitzbrücke subway station in Berlin-Mitte with a Knife stabbed in the stomachThe victim was taken to hospital during the night with a serious stab wound in the lower abdomen, Berlin police reported.

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Crimes involving knives as weapons have increased in recent years. The Berlin police registered a new high of 3550 casesIn 2022, there were 3,317, while in previous years the number was less than 3,000.

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