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34-year-old chimpanzee put to sleep in Artis | Inland

According to Artis, Sabra has been a bit quieter than usual for short periods of time. In recent days her condition has suddenly deteriorated. She became sluggish and began to lose weight quickly. On Friday morning, she was sedated and examined by the ARTIS veterinary team and, because chimpanzees are closely related to humans, by a cardiologist and radiologist from the OLVG.

During the study, an abnormal, enlarged liver and fluid in the abdomen were found. Due to the poor prognosis and to prevent further suffering, it was decided to euthanize her. Pathological examination by the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine in Utrecht showed that she had a liver tumor and that she had only a few days to live without euthanasia.


Chimpanzee Sabra has been in Artis since 2005, and had two daughters before that. Sabra’s body was in the enclosure for a while on Friday morning, so that the chimpanzee group could say goodbye. At first there was some excitement, but after taking a quiet look at the body, the chimpanzees distanced themselves. Then the caretakers removed her body, according to Artis.

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