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34 Injured After Carbon Monoxide Poisoning at Dusseldorf Wedding Party

Dusseldorf (dpa / lnw) – After a wedding party with 34 injured people in Dusseldorf, the police are investigating because of negligent bodily harm. A police spokesman said on Tuesday on request. The guests were taken to the hospital with suspected carbon monoxide poisoning.

The wedding party alerted the emergency services on Saturday evening because of a guest’s acute circulatory problems. When the firefighters arrived at the scene, the carbon monoxide detector that every ambulance carries with them went off.

The cause is said to have been diesel generators and gas heaters, which were used to generate electricity and heat for the party. It was still unclear on Tuesday whether these were operated in the building or just nearby – and the exhaust gases had been drawn into the building.

“When the fire department arrived, the devices had already been removed from the building and taken to a parking lot,” said a fire department spokesman. A total of 34 people were taken to the hospital, 20 went to clinics on their own. About five party guests were hospitalized.

© dpa-infocom, dpa:230411-99-275970/2

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