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34 arrests, 74 doses of drugs seized and 138 accidents in Madeira during Operation Safe Parties

The Operation Ever-present Police: Safe Parties 2019-2020, which took place from 16 December 2019 to 1 January 2020, led to the arrest of 34 citizens, as well as the seizure of 74 doses of drugs. As for road traffic accidents, there were 138 traffic accidents resulting in two deaths, two serious injuries and 52 minor injuries.

According to the Public Security Police, there were 45 fewer accidents compared to last year, two more dead and six more seriously injured.

The reinforcement of road safety actions will continue until the end of next January 5th, Sunday, following the return of festivities.

Final Results:

Engaged means: 416 police and 209 police vehicles.

Arrests: 34 detained citizens (of which 20 for driving with an alcohol level of 1.2 g / l or more; 7 for driving without a legal license; 2 for drug trafficking; 2 for disobedience, 1 for assault on police and 2 for theft).

Drug seized: 41 doses of synthetic drugs, 16 doses of hashish, 14 doses of ecstasy, 2 doses of cocaine and 1 dose of heroin.

Road enforcement operations: 79 operations.

Inspected vehicles: 2,982 vehicles, of which 17 were seized.

Authorized offenses: 468 infraction notices (of which 21 are driving under the influence of alcohol; 16 for speeding driving; 13 for lack of liability insurance; 21 for lack of Mandatory Periodic Inspection; 13 for lack of use of the vehicle). seat belts; 13 due to misuse of the mobile phone while driving; 8 due to changes in vehicle characteristics, 4 due to traffic signal violations; among other violations of the Road Code and other unlawful legislation).

Road accidents: 138 traffic accidents recorded (66 in Funchal, 15 in Câmara de Lobos, 7 in Ribeira Brava, 1 in Ponta do Sol, 4 in Calheta, 3 in Porto Moniz, 4 in São Vicente, 3 in Santana, 13 in Machico, 21 Santa Cruz and 1 in Porto santo), resulting in 2 deaths (1 in Funchal and 1 in Santa Cruz), 2 serious injuries (Funchal and Machico) and 52 minor injuries (30 in Funchal, 3 in Câmara de Lobos, 3 Ribeira Brava, 1 in Calheta, 1 in Porto Moniz, 4 in São Vicente, 5 in Machico, 4 in Santa Cruz and 1 in Porto Santo). Of these accidents we accounted for 95 for collision, 30 for screening, 5 for roadkill and 8 for other reasons.

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