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31-Year-Old Hiker Rescued After Being Stuck in Mud for Three Days in Borderland State Park


We thought she was dead, she had been stuck in the mud for three days

A 31-year-old hiker found herself trapped in a swampy area with no food or phone. She was miraculously located and rescued on Monday.

PostedJuly 5, 2023, 11:35 AM

Emma Tetewsky was seriously injured and dehydrated, but her life is not in danger.

CBS News

Emma Tetewsky is safe and sound, but isn’t about to return for a walk in the Borderland State Park area (Massachusetts). The 31-year-old American was reported missing on June 26, after she left her home in Stoughton, near Boston. The 30-year-old was supposed to visit two natural sites in the region. Two days later, the authorities pulled out all the stops in the hope of finding Emma’s trace, with helicopters and police dogs in support.

Every day on social networks, the police launched calls to the population, stating that the missing had left without a mobile phone. On June 29 during an interview, the Stoughton Police Chief addressed viewers living near a watering hole: “Check under any canoes or rafts you own, if you have an addiction, a shed, under the porch, wherever she can find shelter.” It was finally Monday, a week after Emma’s disappearance, that events came to a head, says the «New York Times».

A rescue using quads

Hikers walking through the Borderland State Park heard a woman calling for help, but it was impossible for them to approach her: the unfortunate woman was trapped in the mud, in a swampy area. Upon arrival, the rescuers had to make their way through thick swampy brush. They located Emma about fifteen meters from the shore, and brought her back to dry land using quads. The survivor, “conscious and alert”, was taken to hospital, where she was treated for serious injuries. She was dehydrated, but her life is not in danger.

According to local authorities, the 30-year-old had no chance of getting out alive without the intervention of rescuers. They estimate that Emma was stuck in the mud for about three days. “No one has lost hope. She might never have been found without the help of walkers. It couldn’t have ended better,” local police said in a statement. “It was traumatic for her to be stuck for so long. It’s a miracle that they found her,” says CBS News Barbara Zinaman, his mother.

She wanted to thank the public for their help and support. The American admits to having started to lose hope after a few days: “I had heard so many stories of this guy. I thought she had succumbed to the elements”, sighs Barbara, who specifies that her daughter suffers from mental disorders.

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2023-07-05 09:35:24

#thought #dead #stuck #mud #days

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