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30fps confirmed for Xbox Series X|S

Obsidian has confirmed 30fps for Avowed on Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S.

Developer Obsidian Entertainment has provided technical information about Avowed. In the Iron Lords Podcast, art director Matt Hansen confirmed that the role-playing game will run at 30fps on Xbox Series X|S.

According to Hansen, they deliberately chose 30fps to enable more complex graphics.

“We are aiming for 30 frames per second, the absolute minimum. That is the expectation,” said Hansen.

“It’s a single player first person game, so you don’t necessarily need 60 frames. And that allows us to do a lot more with VFX, lighting and all those other things.”

“We decided on this compromise relatively early on and are very happy with it. The game runs pretty smoothly considering how visually dense it is, and that was always our goal.”

Hansen adds that the finer details of performance are among the final steps in development.

Avowed will be released on February 25, 2025 for Xbox Series X|S, PC, and Xbox Game Pass.

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