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300,000 cases identified, soaring deaths in New York

The United States crossed the threshold of 300,000 cases of Covid-19 this Saturday, April 4, according to the count from Johns Hopkins University, which lists, according to its online dashboard of the pandemic, at least 8,162 dead in the country.

The milestone of 200,000 identified cases had been crossed only last Wednesday, an acceleration made visible by the greater availability of screening tests in United States. The main focus of the US epidemic is New York State, home to the country’s largest city, which has recorded 630 new deaths in one day, its worst 24-hour record, and now deplores 3,565 dead.

Contrary to spain and Italy, where the balance sheets are heavier, “we have not yet reached the peak “of the epidemicDemocratic Governor Andrew Cuomo said at a press conference. “But we are getting closer,” he added, citing estimates ranging from four to fourteen days before hoping for a slowdown in contamination.

To avoid congestion in hospitals at the height of the crisis, local authorities are in a race against time to strengthen their capacities. “When we started, our first concern was to have enough beds, now we focus on equipment and staff,” said Andrew Cuomo, judging not to be yet “ready” for the peak.

Donald Trump announced that a thousand military medics and nurses would be deployed to New York to help fight the virus, without specifying where they would be assigned. “They go to war, they leave for a battle they were never really prepared for“said the president.

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