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30,000 pedophile suspicions are being investigated in Germany

The Ministry of Justice in North Rhine-Westphalia reports that the cyber unit in the police is investigating 30,000 people they do not yet know the identity of.

– I didn’t expect there to be so much child abuse on the internet, says Justice Minister Peter Beisenbach, adding that we must acknowledge that such online abuse is far more extensive than previously thought.

Also read: Pedophilia Dish in Germany – let them take care of orphans

The investigation started in October last year when a man was arrested in Bergisch-Gladbach near Cologne. Since then, 70 people have been arrested and a 27-year-old soldier in May became the first to be sentenced to ten years in prison.

The discovery of several serious cases of child sexual abuse in recent years has come as a shock in Germany. In June, eleven people were arrested after films and photos they seized were seized by a 27-year-old man in Münster.

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