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3,000 Malaria GDR Prepared to Check Nataru Holiday Residents in Biak, Papua

With the GDR malaria service, it is hoped that people from outside Biak Numfor who go on holiday are really healthy and are not carrying the malaria virus.

Biak, Papua (ANTARA) – Biak Numfor Regency, Papua Province Health Office (Dinkes) has prepared 3,000 medical devices rapid diagnostic test (GDR) malaria for immigrants entering the area during the Christmas and New Year holidays 2023 (Nataru).

“The Health Bureau in collaboration with the Biak Port Health Bureau (KKP) will screen residents entering during the holidays through the Biak port and airport,” said the acting head of the Biak Health Bureau, Daud N. Duwiri, M.Kes in Biac, Saturday.

Explained the examination of malaria with a microscope or with quick diagnostics test recommended to all residents outside of Biak going on holiday to Nataru.

GDR malaria recipients, according to him, are very helpful for early diagnosis of malaria prevention.

“During the Christmas and New Year holidays, it is estimated that many residents outside of Biak will go on holiday to Biak, so we have to anticipate the spread of malaria,” he said.

With the GDR malaria service, he said, it is hoped that people from outside Biak Numfor who go on holiday are really healthy and not carrying the malaria virus.

“The Health Bureau is increasing the use of GDR as a means of diagnosing malaria in both endemic and non-endemic areas,” he said.

He admitted that the advantages of GDR over microscopic examination were that it was simpler and easier to interpret and did not require special training like microscopic examination.

While another benefit of GDR malaria, he said, was objective, variations in interpretation were small from one examiner to another.

“GDRs can also detect P.sickles when the parasite settles in blood capillaries by microscopic examination,” he said.

He explained, RDT is useful in epidemic conditions (extraordinary events) and prevalence investigations, because the examination time is faster.

Biak Numfor Regency was declared by Biak Numfor Regent Herry Ario Naap Malaria Elimination District in 2024, said Daud N. Duwiri.

Read also: Biak’s health office has WHO-certified malaria researchers

Read also: Ministry of Health accelerates malaria elimination in Papua through Gebrak Siamal

Read also: Biak Numform malaria API decreased by 0.79 per 1,000 population

Read also: Biak guarantees the absence of malaria in view of the PON 2020

Reporter: Muhsidin
Publisher: Andi Jauhary

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