Home » today » World » 300 nightclub visitors quarantined in Zurich by super diffuser | Abroad

300 nightclub visitors quarantined in Zurich by super diffuser | Abroad

After discovering the infected party-goer, the local GGD contacted the club’s owner. Thanks to the updated attendance list, the other customers who were back then could be traced. It concerns nearly 300 people, including staff members. They have been asked to quarantine for the next ten days.

The local government hopes for the cooperation of those involved and once again pointed out in the media the importance of good hygiene, distance and the wearing of a mask. In addition, it was warned that if more super-spreaders, who pass on the virus very easily for no apparent reason, turn up Zurich will not hesitate to close nightspots like this.

Switzerland has registered over 31,500 cases of infection so far, 1962 patients have died from Covid-19.

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