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30 Years Since Royce Gracie’s Historic UFC 1 Victory

This weekend marked 30 years since Royce Gracie showcased his family’s Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and took home UFC 1.

Se Royce Gracie sketches history and UFC 1

To celebrate its anniversary, the UFC has chosen to release the event in its entirety on YouTube. You can watch the historic tournament in the video below:

Royce Gracie got past a series of opponents on the way to the title. He defeated in the first the boxer Art Jimerson, then the shootfighter Ken Shamrock before he met the karate and savate master Gerard Gordeau. What made the tournament victory even more impressive was that Gracie managed to submit all of these despite being the smaller fighter.

Fought with emotions in check

To mark the event, the UFC chose to invite all living combatants from the tournament. Gracie reflected in the the meeting over what he noticed about the tendencies of his opponents. He then mentioned that he saw similarities between Jimmerson and Shamrock but noted that he recognized himself in Gerard Gordeau.

When I faced Art [Jimmerson]I can see he was pumped up…When I look at Ken [Shamrock]Ken was the same way like, ’I’m here to beat you.’ And I just kept a straight face. When I look at Gerard [Gordeau]I kinda saw a mirror of myself cause he kept that straight face, no emotion at all.

Gracie’s stoic attitude allowed him to be fought without emotion and able to stick to his game plan. He went on to win two more UFC tournaments, the second and fourth. He still holds the record for most tournament wins in the organization.

As a testament to his influence, Gracie, along with Shamrock, were the first to be inducted into the UFC’s Hall of Fame in 2003.

What do you miss from the initial years of the organization and what are you glad the organization stopped doing?

2023-11-13 12:11:27
#Relive #UFC #entirety

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