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30 with Covid symptoms removed from the Metro; they ask to travel in silence due to risk

Just over 30 users of the Meter have been treated within the network for presenting Symptoms of Covid-19, from the beginning of the health contingency to date, so the bet to prevent infections is for people to move in silence, to avoid the expulsion of droplets.

The coordinator of Industrial Safety and Hygiene of the Metro Collective Transportation System (STC), Luis Alonso Lamah, said that the risk of contagion can be high if people do not adhere to personal security protocols, since any user can be infectious.

“We are all infectious patients or users not only now[inthe[enla health contingency]So, with the security measures that are implemented, with the protocols that we have, we can continue [con la operación]”The official commented in an interview with EL UNIVERSAL.

He explained that people who could be carriers of any type of virus or disease, not only of Covid-19, but assured that mainly in the stations that adjoin a hospital, users can be a focus of contagion within this transport system.

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Despite the fact that sanitizations are carried out daily in the transport network, 30 users have been treated for presenting any symptoms related to coronavirus, of which two have been transferred in capsules to a hospital.

These two cases were registered through videos; the first of these occurred at the Observatorio station, while the second was in Zapata.

Alonso Lamah explained that, when a user of the Meter request help for possible Covid-19, only part of the station is closed, so it is not necessary to remove all people.

He commented that of the people who have been treated in the Metro, there is no certainty about what route they made in the STC network, so there are constant sanitizations.

If any user registers 37.5 degrees of temperature and presents other symptoms related to coronavirus, they may be at risk, so it is recommended to go to the corresponding Health authorities.

The local official clarified that after treating users with suspected symptoms, the STC no longer performs any type of follow-up.

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