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30 thousand free pulse oximeters in pharmacies

From now 30 thousand oximeters will be distributed free of charge in pharmacies to families of which at least one person suffering from respiratory diseases belongs. This is the initiative launched by Italian Society of Pneumology in collaboration with Federfarma, which involves 1,200 pharmacies throughout Italy and has the aim of promoting the spread of the oximeter, a blood oxygenation measurement instrument, considered particularly useful for preventing serious complications related to Covid-19, to which patients with previous respiratory diseases are especially exposed.

What is an oximeter?
It is a device capable of provide valuable information on the degree of oxygen saturation in arterial blood, through an easy application on the finger of one hand. The measurement is safe and painless and can be done at home, following some simple rules. To work, the oximeter (or pulse oximeter) uses normal alkaline batteries: it is important to ensure that they are always at an optimal charge level, for reliable measurement.

How is it used?
The measurement should be taken after a few minutes at rest, placing the oximeter on the index or middle finger. The hand must be firm and not particularly cold, the nail must be healthy and without polish. The arterial saturation and heart rate data will appear on the small oximeter monitor. The measurement is then repeated on another finger for a more reliable result. It is better not to rely on memory, but to write down the data and keep a diary of the parameters detected.
It is good to inform the attending physician, who will provide information on the values ​​to be taken as a reference and the threshold below which it is recommended to consult him.

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