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3 zodiac signs that shed fake tears to win an argument with a partner

These signs just know how to get what they want from a boyfriend. They can dramatize, exaggerate, and will make you feel compassion for them. In an argument, they cry on purpose so that their partner feels sorry for them and pleases them. That’s how they always get what they want. And they win. See who they are, according to “Pink Villa”.


Aquarians do not like to spend too much time in heated arguments and argue for a long time with their partner. They would figure out how to spend precious time with her instead of just being angry. So when a fight occurs and it drags on, these signs use logic and clear communication to end things. But if that doesn’t work, they resort to this trick of faking tears and pretending to be very upset. So the partner starts to feel guilty and sad. Aquarians seem to be emotionally hurt and the partner backs down.


Some signs just have an overwhelming need to be absolutely right all the time. And it should only be what they decide. Lions are among them. They are leaders, proud and cannot bear to lose an argument with their loved one. When they see that they are not quite right and the fight is not going in their favor, these signs start to cry, and their tears are sometimes fake. They just don’t find any other way to get their way. Thus they quickly gain sympathy and compassion. And the partner takes care of them and apologizes to them instead of Leos admitting that they were wrong.


They are extremely good manipulators. They know how to get their partner to do what they want without seeming to command them. If their boyfriend is sensitive and vulnerable, Scorpios start to cry, even if it’s not sparkly, when an argument gets heated. They do not tolerate anyone contradicting them or not recognizing them as being right. They are stubborn and will not back down. They will get what they want. They shed crocodile tears when the quarrel is big – to end it and be recognized as right.

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