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3 wrong behaviors to avoid to prevent thrombosis plus valuable advice

In recent months we have heard many times about “thrombosis”. This phenomenon occurs when a thrombus – a blood clot – forms in a vein or artery. It is a very dangerous condition, because the thrombus obstructs or slows the normal circulation of the blood.

The possible consequences are serious events such as stroke,heart attack and pulmonary embolism. We speak of venous or arterial thrombosis, depending on the blood vessel affected by the presence of the thrombus.

There are several risk factors for thrombosis, and some depend on incorrect behaviors we take every day. Let’s find out together what it is.

A rather widespread disease

Thrombosis is the third most common cardiovascular disease after myocardial ischaemia and stroke. In most cases, thrombosis is asymptomatic, and therefore is not treated as such.

As reported by the website of the Umberto Veronesi Foundation, about 50 thousand cases occur a year, and mortality is 32% in undiagnosed cases. In cases recognized and treated correctly, however, mortality drops to 8%.

3 wrong behaviors to avoid to prevent thrombosis plus valuable advice

Thrombosis can be caused by several factors, and some we cause them ourselves with our wrong behaviors.

A sedentary lifestyle or poor mobility, for example, is a risk factor. This situation concerns those who are seated many hours a day, or those who are forced to remain still in bed. In these cases, the precious advice is to start walking again as soon as possible, to move the legs and help the peripheral circulation.

Other bad behaviors that can affect blood clots are smoking and drinking alcohol. These are only 3 wrong attitudes to avoid, but there are other risk factors, such as some chronic diseases, for example lung diseases and heart disease.

We have therefore seen 3 wrong behaviors to avoid in order to prevent thrombosis plus valuable advice.

Other risk factors

Other causes that can affect this problem are age, overweight and obesity, stress, poor eating habits, but also genetic familiarity.

(We remind you to carefully read the warnings regarding this article, which can be consulted who”)

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