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3 tips for choosing cat food, adapting it to age and conditions

Suroboyo.id – For those of you who are confused about choosing cat food, consider the following reviews and how to prepare them.

If you are currently breeding a cat, of course, you need to provide good care. So with this here you will be explained how to choose the right cat food which is adapted according to the age and condition of your cat at this time.

This is obviously very important to do because it will be very useful for the cat in the growth and development process

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Quoted from the page earlspesthere are several important descriptions of how to choose the right cat food

Kittens under 1 year of age

For newborn kittens, it is best to feed them after they are 3-4 weeks or 1 month old. How to feed it is as follows;

Immerse the food first in warm water and then blend it. Then don’t forget to teach him to eat or you can feed him using a pipette which is shown directly to his little mouth.

After a few months, which is 2-3 months, you can teach to taste dry food little by little, and when it is smooth, give dry food completely.

Adult cat over 1 year old

An adult cat who already has an ideal weight of between 4 and 5 kg is very important to take in 500 calories per day. So, when buying cat food, you need to look at the composition, which is usually written complete and balanced.

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On the page https://earlpest.com/ it is stated that the most important thing is that when buying dry food you have to pay attention to the PH and mineral content in order not to interfere with digestion.

The cats are pregnant and breastfeeding

During pregnancy and lactation, adult cats should be given more nutrition and very high protein, one of the best foods to feed is kitten food which is rich in calcium and protein. Dove with a high calcium content will make milk production even better.

That’s why the 3 important things mentioned above on How to choose the right cat food very good to apply so that your cat is healthy, strong and smart according to the age and actual condition of the cat.

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