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3 Reasons to watch ANTICOVIDEÑOS TALES

Christmas reminds us of the importance of the bonds of brotherhood with our loved ones by sharing moments of tranquility and love. After Christmas Eve dinner, the fun continues and what better than to continue enjoying memorable activities that increase the joy of these days.

Fortunately, the theater does not stop at this time of celebration and offers special year-end functions, such as the traditional season of Tales Antinavideños that for the second consecutive year is presented under the title of Anti-Christmas at the La Capilla Theater. If yours is black humor, classic in someone with a spirit a bit Grinch, this staging is for you. Here are 3 reasons not to miss this fun show.

1- The monologues. It should be noted that year after year Teatro La Capilla chooses the best texts through a contest that seeks to promote emerging talents, where the most ingenious and hilarious stories win a place in this commemorative staging that mocks our pandemic reality through endearing characters with whom the public identifies more than one acquaintance or better yet, himself.

2- The performances. Daniela Luján, Emmanuel Pavía Y Jerry Velázquez they shine through their comical interpretations of ordinary people who experience Christmas in different contexts, united by the tragedies and vicissitudes that lie in wait for them in this celebration. In this way, the viewer gets fun and endless laughter and even laughter, guaranteed from beginning to end.

3- The address. Boris Schoemann, Mario Alberto Monroy Y Angelica Rogel are the directors in charge of giving life to the three different stories that the staging brings together, where each one-man show reflects the sense of humor of each one of them, through a perfectly articulated, agile and constant timing, same that propitiates powerful blows of minute by minute humor inside the room.

So now you know, for these reasons the public that has enjoyed a presentation of these stories returns the following year for more new stories, loaded with black humor.

Wait no more and live this tradition of Teatro La Capilla with daily performances until December 30, for more information, here.

By Ulises Sánchez, Photos: Courtesy Teatro La Capilla

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