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3 out of 4 French people worried

An overwhelming majority of French people are aware of the impact of the environment on health. While global warming is underway, the link between health and the environment worries the French. A survey published by the Health Environment Foundation reveals the concern of the French on this subject and their feeling of lack of information.

The French are aware of the relationship between the environment and their health

The Health and Environment Foundation has unveiled the results of its survey entitled “ The French and environmental health ». The goal? Establish an inventory of the link between the French and environmental health. To do this, the foundation posted a survey online between January 21 and 25, 2022. The questionnaire was intended for the general public and professionals in the medico-social field. In total, the responses made it possible to create a sample of 1,000 people, representative of the population residing in metropolitan France and aged 16 and over. In addition, a sample of 250 professionals was formed.

To know ! According to the WHO, environmental health includes those aspects of human health, including human quality, that are determined by the physical, chemical, biological, social, psychosocial and aesthetic factors of our environment.

This survey shows that the French are very sensitive to questions relating to the link between health and the environment:

  • 83% of French people say they are interested in this subject;
  • 9 out of 10 French people think that the impact of the environment on health is obvious. They are aware of the existence of a close relationship between human health, animal health and that of ecosystems;
  • 3 out of 4 French people say they experience environmental anxiety. We speak then eco-anxiety.

To know ! Eco-anxiety or solastalgia is a form of psychological suffering and distress. It finds its source in all past, current and future environmental changes. Solastalgia is about grieving what has been lost while eco-anxiety is about what may happen. In this sense, eco-anxiety resembles pre-traumatic stress.

In addition, the survey reveals that the Covid-19 health crisis has heightened French interest in environmental health. Nevertheless, if the interest of the French is clear, they report feeling ill-informed. No more than a third of them say they are properly informed about scientific knowledge on environmental health, the policies implemented, changes in regulations and compliance with them.

Information, education and prevention: the keys to moving forward

However, respondents wish, in a marked way, to have access to the information. Indeed, 45% of French people and 60% of medico-social professionals would like to learn about environmental health issues. This percentage is increased by 11 points among parents of young children. But the people surveyed report difficulties in finding the relevant information and a lack of time.

The eco-anxiety expressed by 3 quarters of French people can be explained by their lack of information. So, what are the solutions to put in place? In this survey, the people surveyed highlighted the actors they consider to be trusted on the theme of environmental health:

  • The scientific experts are trusted players for the dissemination of information for 43% of the general public and 46% of professionals;
  • The health professionals are the best placed to support the population on environmental health issues (37% of French people and 46% of professionals). However, 67% of them say they are not sufficiently equipped and trained to properly support the French;
  • Finally, associations and local authorities stand out for the implementation of targeted prevention actions.

For 85% of the general public and 88% of professionals, taking into account the health-environment link by the social protection system and the health system is an important subject.

Alexia F., Doctor in Neurosciences


– THE FOUNDATION’S HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENT BAROMETER. Health Environment Foundation of the Mutuelle Familiale. lien.source.fr. Accessed March 29, 2022.–

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