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3 Ministers Give Signals to Increase Pertalite Prices, Pertamina Says This Page all

KOMPAS.com – Plans to increase the price of fuel oil (BBM) octane (RON) 90 or Pertalite getting real.

The reason is that up to now, there have been three ministers in the Advanced Indonesia Cabinet who have voiced the discourse of adjustment Pertalite price.

The three are Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment (Menko Marves) Luhut Binsar PandjaitanCoordinating Minister for Economic Affairs Airlangga Hartartoas well as the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Arifin Tasrif.

So, is it true that the price of Pertalite will go up?

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Regarding the discourse on the increase in Pertalite subsidized fuel, Kompas.com contact Pjs. Corporate Secretary of PT Pertamina Patra Niaga, Sub Holding Commercial & Trading of PT Pertamina (Persero), Irto Ginting.

Irto said, fuel price adjustment Pertalite is the authority of the government.

Because, through the Decree of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Number 37.K/HK.02/MEM.M/2022 which was signed on March 10, 2022, Pertalite is a Special Assignment Fuel Type (JBKP).

“Pertalite, because it has become a JBKP, the authority to Pertalite price adjustment is in the government,” said Irto, when contacted Kompas.com on Saturday (23/4/2022).

Meanwhile, JBKP according to Presidential Regulation Number 191 of 2014, is fuel originating and/or processed from petroleum that has been mixed with biofuel as other fuels with certain types, standards, and qualities distributed in the assigned area.

This means that Pertamina is only given a task by the government to distribute Pertalite in certain areas accompanied by the determination of a subsidized annual quota.

The subsidies provided by the government to Pertamina use APBN funds.

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Pertalite price increase signal from 3 ministers

Previously, the signal for an increase in the Pertalite type of fuel came from Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan.

When met in East Bekasi during a visit to review the LRT, Friday (1/4/2022), Luhut gave a signal that there would be an increase in fuel and LPG by 3 kilograms this year.

Overall (overall), what will happen (increase) is Pertamax, Pertalite, Premium yet, the 3 kilos of gas (there is an increase) gradually, “said Luhut, as quoted by Antara. Kompas.com (1/4/2022).

He also continued, the government will gradually increase prices this year, namely April 1, July and September 2022.

The Coordinating Minister for the Economy also said that the government was studying further the price hikes for Pertalite and 3 kilograms of LPG.

He said the study was needed because these commodities were the most consumed by the public compared to other types of goods.

“Now we are still studying. After we review it, we will announce it, but not yet,” he said at a press conference in Jakarta, Tuesday (5/4/2022), quoted from Kompas.com.

Read also: The Government Ensures Availability of Pertalite Type of Fuel is Safe

Responding to rising world oil prices

The Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources, Arifin Tasrif, said the same thing. He said the planned increase in fuel prices was in response to the high world crude oil prices.

Arifin explained that the increase in world oil prices due to the Russia-Ukraine geopolitical conflict made the price of Indonesian crude oil (ICP) as of March 2022 amounted to 98.4 US dollars per barrel.

In fact, the assumption of the 2022 state budget is that the price of crude oil is only US$63 per barrel.

“For the medium and long term, there will be adjustments to the price of Pertalite, diesel oil, and accelerating replacement fuels,” said Arifin in a working meeting with Commission VII DPR, Wednesday (13/4/2022). Kompas.com.

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