GALAJABAR – Supporting a good immune system will certainly help health, especially in fighting viruses that infect the body. In the body’s defense process from bacterial and viral infections, the immune system will work together to recognize it and provide an immediate response.
A strong immune system will give a good response, namely by fighting against bacterial and viral infections until the bacteria and viruses die. “Therefore, we must always build a strong immune system,” said nutrition expert and also Chair of the Indonesian Association of Sports Nutritionists (ISNA) Dr. Rita Ramayulis, DCN, M.Kes.,
in a written statement, Monday, February 14, 2022.
It is said, good nutrition through the consumption of minerals, protein, and vitamins as well as maximum fluids can certainly maintain the body’s system. One of them is coconut water which is easily found in Indonesia.
Besides having benefit hydrating, coconut also contains minerals so that it can maintain a better balance in the body.
Body fluids have an important role in maintaining cell membranes that protect all body organs, as the main component of white blood cells and help absorb nutrients and distribute them to all cells that need them. While minerals have a role in maintaining the balance of chemical reactions in the body.
“Therefore, we must enter more fluids when infected, one of which is by consuming coconut water which also contains minerals. A well-hydrated body and together with a balanced diet will recover faster,” said Rita.
Not only that, apparently coconut water has a lot benefit others that are positive and provide multiple benefits for those of you who regularly consume them. Here are some interesting facts about coconut water that you need to know.
1. Coconut water provides plenty of nutrients and electrolytes that help post-infection or post-exercise recovery. Coconut water abundant in electrolyte content especially potassium, there are also calcium, sodium and magnesium.