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3 homemade disinfectants that will get you out of trouble

We must maintain strict hygiene measures to prevent ourselves.


In the antiquity the was not known microscopic life, it was thought that diseases were caused by got damn, witchcraft or divine punishments.

But thanks to the discovery of microscope the scientists they found the existence of little beings that are not detectable with the naked eye and that many of them cause health problems, from moderate to fatal.

Now we know that although are not visible to the human eyewe must keep strict hygiene measures to prevent us.

How do we have to stay home as much as possible, here are some recipes To elaborate homemade disinfectants with substances which are commonly in Our home.

1. Disinfectant with rosemary and citrus


1/2 liter of alcohol.

1 branch of fresh rosemary.

Orange and / or lemon peels without gabazo (one fist).

1/2 liter of warm water.

Tea tree essence, clove etc. (optional).

One liter container.



Place the shells broken into pieces in a plastic container, pour in the warm water.

Subsequently 1/2 liter of alcohol is added.

Add rosemary and essences.

Shake and macerate for 24 hours.

Go to an atomizer


You can use it on the body, clothing (does not stain) when you come from the street and the sole of the shoes.

2. Disinfectant with fabric softener


1 Fabric softener cap.

1 tablespoon of cane vinegar.

1 liter of water.

1 liter container.



Mix all ingredients in the container, shake. Empty into an atomizer.


Use on clothing.

3. Chlorine disinfectant


1 liter of water.

1 cap of chlorine gel.

1/4 of Cup of shampoo for hands.

Plastic or glass container for 1 liter.

3 to 5 drops of some essence (optional).



Mix the ingredients.

Empty the sprinkler.


It is used directly on the hands, or sole of shoes, to disinfect money, to clean furniture of any type.

It can cause stains on clothing.

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