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3 effective strategies to say goodbye to abdominal fat and have a flat stomach

In a certain sense, summer also strips our bellies. It is a cyclical event for millions of Italians and not always and not everyone is able to be ready for the occasion.

After seeing what can be done, here are 3 effective strategies to say goodbye to abdominal fat and have a flat stomach.

Some clarity on fat and bacon

Quite often, instead of belly fat it can be simple abdominal bloating. It is that typical situation whereby maybe in the morning you find yourself in shape while in the evening you notice that your belly has widened. To the point that its circumference seems excessive to us compared to the food consumed during the meals of the day.

The situation of abdominal fat is quite different. The reasons are both aesthetic and health-related, and structural in nature (i.e. it does not form in the course of a single day).

Often we only worry about the aesthetic ones, forgetting the far from indifferent damage caused by visceral fat. The reference is in particular to the fat that accumulates between the internal organs of the abdomen and that does not go away with the sole practice of sports. Furthermore, it is also a risk factor for conditions such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

Let’s see some effective strategies

The main solutions against abdominal fat go through the table, or better still, through good food. Often it would be enough to stop bad eating habits to reap the first fruits in terms of health and aesthetics.

First of all, the mistake of eliminating all fats from our diet should not be made.

Instead, they must be selected and that is distinguished between good and bad. Green disc then with essential fatty acids (for example omega-3 and omega-6), important for metabolism. More space, therefore, for olive oil, dried fruit, fish (here at the link the one recommended for the month of July).

The second forethought passes fromeliminate sugars (here at the link we indicate which is the natural sweetener for diabetics and with 0 calories) and refined carbohydrates.

In the case of sugars it is necessary to ban the consumption of sweets (even those prepared at home) during the various moments of the day.

The same also applies to carbonated and / or sugary drinks. A homemade juice or smoothie is much healthier. In general, it must be said that sugars promote weight gain.

3 effective strategies to say goodbye to abdominal fat and have a flat stomach

If we are faithful and strict in our new diet, sports practice (third strategy) will also contribute to the waistline. It is not necessary to emulate the deeds of athletes but it is essential to raise the rhythms of our metabolism. And in this regard, physical effort is a great ally of the human body.

However, it should be noted that much of the fat that accumulates or is lost is due to food. So it would be almost fruitless to apply a lot in sports and skimp on little attention to what you eat. In these cases, the serious risk is that of chasing a dream that will often prove elusive.

Finally, doctors and nutrition experts also advise associating a stress-free lifestyle. And finally to dedicate the right time to sleep at night.


Here’s how to say goodbye to high blood sugar and lose weight 6x faster.

(We remind you to carefully read the warnings regarding this article, which can be consulted who”)

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