Esslingen (Baden-Württemberg) – The accident horror in Esslingen: Antonella R. (†39) and her sons Gabriel (†6) and Alessio (†3) were taken from their lives by a driver around three weeks ago!
Now the Stuttgart public prosecutor’s office and the Reutlingen police headquarters have presented the first results of the investigation. The driver (54) of an Audi Q3 was traveling towards the Mettinger Bridge in Esslingen (Baden-Württemberg) and suddenly skidded.
Why the fatal accident happened remains completely unclear. The SUV driver hit the young family, who were on the way to soccer training – just a few meters in front of the sports hall. The mother and her sons died at the scene of the accident.
The scene of the accident in Esslingen. The tragic incident occurred on October 22nd
Photo: SDMG
Investigators are still looking into the cause of the accident
The authorities also published the results of the toxicological report. Accordingly, the examination of the blood sample from the driver who died showed that the 54-year-old was completely sober at the time of the accident. “There was therefore no influence by alcohol or other intoxicants,” it said in a joint statement.
The terrible accident shocked even rescue workers and police officers on site. They had to be looked after by pastors – as well as witnesses and relatives at the scene of the accident.
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The driver of the accident car is silent
The Audi driver has so far remained silent about the accident. He is being investigated on suspicion of negligent homicide.
According to the public prosecutor’s office, the “exact cause of the accident is still the subject of the investigation, in which an expert is also involved.” The police is still asking for information from witnesses by calling 0711/3990 420.