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3 Children’s Health Problems During a Pandemic, Obesity Be Careful : Okezone Lifestyle

DURING During this pandemic, we are encouraged to stay at home and limit activities. For adults, they may be better able to deal with these restrictions, but not with children.

Indeed, children are not immune from Covid-19. Moreover, Indonesia is one of the countries with the highest Covid-19 positive rate for children.

Nutritionist Dr Rita Ramayulis, DCN, M.Kes explained, there are at least three health problems that are often encountered in children, especially at elementary school age, among them.

“Firstly, the low exposure to sunlight makes children vulnerable to vitamin D3 deficiency. Second, they lack movement, so they are at risk of being overweight,” said the chairman of the Indonesian Sport Nutricionist Association (ISNA).

Another problem is the consumption of snacks that lack protein, vitamins and minerals. According to Rita, this condition is worrying, considering that protein and vitamin D3 deficiency is one of the causes of decreased immunity, so children are easily exposed to dangerous viruses.

In addition to consuming balanced nutrition, being active, and getting sun exposure, choosing additional intake or snacks rich in protein and vitamin D is an important solution.

“As one of the sources of intake that is rich in protein and a source of vitamin D, milk provides the benefits that the child’s body needs to be able to survive in the current pandemic situation,” he said.

For parents who are worried about products containing sugar, salt and fat that are commonly sold in the market, Rita said parents should be more observant in reading labels on product packaging.

“The presence of products containing sugar, salt and fat that are safe, and have received the label of healthier choices, can make it easier for parents and children to choose better food or snacks,” he said.

Regarding health protection for children, implementing strict health protocols, and consuming healthier choices is a must.

He also appealed to parents to also provide education to children on how to choose the type of intake that is good for the body, starting from paying attention to the logo and nutritional information listed on the packaging.

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