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3.8 percent more money for the brewery workforce

Munich (dpa / lby) – The union for food and enjoyment and restaurants (NGG) is asking for a total of 3.8 percent more money in the collective negotiations of the Bavarian brewing industry. In the negotiations, which begin on Thursday in Fürstenfeldbruck, she is aiming for a term of twelve months. In addition, an increased local allowance for the Munich area and an increase in training allowances are on the list of goals.

“The consequences of the corona pandemic have left their mark on the breweries,” says the NGG state chairman Mustafa Öz. Home breweries in particular would have losses in draft beer due to the closed restaurants. On the other hand, breweries selling their bottled or canned beer through retail outlets did well. The 12,000 employees needed a perspective, especially in difficult times.

The current collective agreement expired in February. At the beginning of the talks, the NGG relies on an amicable agreement with the employers.

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