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3.3 billion euros for climate-friendly production: How companies benefit!

Federal Minister of Economics Robert Habeck has presented a new funding guideline that is intended to support the transition to more climate-friendly production methods and the underground storage of carbon dioxide (CO2) with a total of 3.3 billion euros by 2030. This initiative is aimed in particular at supporting medium-sized companies in the implementation of low-CO2 processes. The new “Federal Funding for Industry and Climate Protection” replaces a previous regulation that expires at the end of 2023. By this time, funding decisions have already been issued up to July 2023.

The funding is intended as a supplement to the climate protection agreements, in which the state covers the additional costs for climate-friendly production methods in energy-intensive industries. However, companies can only apply for one of the two funding instruments. The first call for projects is expected to start in September 2023, with companies having three months to submit their applications. Projects worth 500,000 euros or more for small and medium-sized companies and one million euros or more for large companies are eligible for funding. For projects with a volume of over 15 million euros, a financial contribution of 30 percent from the federal states is planned.

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