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2nd National Cycling Logistics Conference shows how cycling could work in the future

Spectrum: Our inner cities are facing a traffic collapse. This is due to the influx of people into the cities as well as the numerous commuters, day tourists, shopping friends and, of course, delivery traffic. The 2nd National Bicycle Logistics Conference in Frankfurt is to show possible solutions.

In order to use the limited space more efficiently, especially in city centers, new solutions asked. Solutions like the Use of cargo bikes on the “last” mile. Topics like these are the focus of the 2nd National Bicycle Logistics Conference, which is to take place in Frankfurt in September.

Make visibility for innovative concepts visible

“Bike logistics need different infrastructure and concepts than classic logistics. Politics and local authorities must set the right framework for this. And we Bike logistics specialists have to show what we need and what we can do. ”With this statement, the chairman of the Radlogistik Verband Deutschland (RLVD) underlines the intention of the 2nd National Bicycle Logistics Conference, which is to take place on September 28th and 29th in Frankfurt am Main.

Hesse’s transport minister, Tarek Al-Wazir, is in the same direction: “We are seeing more and more conflicts in the inner cities. When pedestrians, cyclists, delivery services and motorized traffic compete for the limited space available on the street, it is neither for safety nor the quality of stay. There are already innovative concepts. The bike logistics conference gives them visibility. “


BMC Roadmachine


This is how modern bike logistics can work

On short distances with a lot of stop-and-go in the city centers, e-cargo bikes, among others, can make a valuable contribution to Win-win situations for residents, business people and logisticians.

At the same time, however, the cycling infrastructure in the city centers, including the corresponding charging infrastructure for e-bikes, must be created. So can Motorized traffic, local public transport and cycling prove that they are not competitors but can function hand in hand sustainably.

Logistician DPD shows how it is done

The logistics service provider DPD, among others, is currently showing that modern bike logistics can be implemented not only ecologically, but also economically Sustainability strategy “DrivingChallenge”. Especially in residential areas with a high density of recipients, the company is increasingly relying on a combination of microdepots, e-cargo bikes and intelligent charging infrastructure.

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