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2nd 2023 edition of the ECOWAS Hackathon: The curtains fell on the hackathon with the victory of the Deylol team from Mauritania in Lomé | www.l-integration.com – INTEGRATION


Ph:DR: 2023 edition of the ECOWAS hackathon competition with the victory of the Deylol team from Mauritania

On October 18, 2023, the curtains fell on the second edition of the ECOWAS Hackathon. First place went to the team from the Islamic Republic of Mauritania (Deylol) which came out well with 6,750 points earning it a check for $10,000, certification kits and laptops for each member of the team. ‘team.

The Benin team (N4tion) came 2nd with 6,650 points and received a check for $8,000 and certification kits while the Nigeria team (Error) came third with 6,250 points which earned them a check for $6,000 and certification kits. Miss Elizabeth Sheriff from Sierra Leone won the Best Female award with a bonus of dollars. The eight (8) other participating teams each received a check for $1,000.

In his closing speech, the Commissioner for Infrastructure, Energy and Digitalization, Mr. Sediko Douka, congratulated all the competing teams and praised their dedication, expertise, talent, resilience and commitment which they have shown throughout the remarkable journey of the last 48 hours. He hailed them as West African pride and role models for all who aspire to a passion for cybersecurity.

He highlighted the importance of collaboration, innovation and the pursuit of knowledge in the field of cybersecurity as they are essential to meet the changing challenges of the digital world. Furthermore, he signified that cyber threats have no borders, emphasizing the importance of regional cooperation and collaboration to counter them effectively. He stressed the importance of a collective effort to safeguard the cyber world.

Commissioner Douka expressed ECOWAS’s sincere gratitude to all partners and sponsors, as well as to all the people who worked tirelessly for the advent of the Hackathon. He expressed his gratitude in particular to Cyber ​​​​Defense Africa (CDA), the National Cybersecurity Agency (ANCy) and the European Union.

Piero Valabrega, Head of the European Union delegation in Togo, affirmed his organization’s commitment to fighting cybercrime in West Africa through the initiative of the project called “South Africa Response”. “West on Cybersecurity and Countering Cybercrime (OCWAR-C)” which aims to improve cybersecurity and strengthen infrastructure resilience while strengthening the capacity of those responsible for fighting cybercrime in the region.

Valabrega also praised the good organization of the Hackathon competition, highlighting the enthusiastic participation of key players in the field who strive to strengthen regional cybersecurity. Furthermore, he stressed the importance of encouraging young people to engage in the rapidly growing technology industry, which is of crucial importance for the development and security of the region.

The Representative of the Ministry of Security and Civil Protection, Mr. Kpatcha Tchendo, congratulated the participants, recognizing in them the future of West Africa. He duly praised their role as agents of change and ambassadors of integration in the field of cybersecurity. Mr. Tchendo highlighted the importance of continuous learning, skills development and knowledge sharing within the cybersecurity sector, while recognizing that it is constantly evolving in nature. He said staying at the forefront of new technologies is crucial to safeguarding West Africa’s cyberspace.

In his closing remarks, Mr. Tchendo expressed the deep gratitude of the Togolese government to all the participants and the organizers of the competition for choosing Togo to host this important event. He urged all parties concerned to remain committed to forging and strengthening bilateral and multilateral partnerships. This commitment is essential to effectively implement the mechanisms that will gradually guide West African member states towards modernization.

The main objective of the ECOWAS Hackathon is to highlight the cybersecurity challenges facing the sub-region while encouraging the creation of innovative solutions to deal with online threats. It should be noted that forty-three (43) of the most talented young people from eleven (11) countries participated in this competition.

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