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2G in Hamburger Kiez: “Finally dancing and drinking again”

Hamburg (dpa / lno) – smoke is foggy in the room. Tinsel sparkles on the walls while the bar counter is in the dim light. Bar manager Kevin stands at the entrance to his “Lucky Bar”, which opened two months ago in Hamburg-St. Pauli. “Inside you no longer have to wear a mask if you have been vaccinated or recovered. The atmosphere is good,” says the 23-year-old. His bar has implemented the 2G option model that has been in effect for three weeks. According to this, only vaccinated people and Genesis are allowed to celebrate in the pub. Kevin gives in: “But I think that the unvaccinated should also have a party”.

The Hanseatic city was the first federal state to introduce the 2G option model at the end of August. Accordingly, operators can decide for themselves whether they only let in vaccinated and convalescent people, who are then exempt from many corona restrictions. To do this, they have to register online with the Senate. So far, 720 companies have made use of the 2G option model, and 471 advertisements for events have been submitted, said a spokesman for the Senate. “With the 2G option, protection against infection is taken into account and many facilities are given the opportunity to submit their offers again,” he said.

Very few violations have been found so far. If someone is caught, he forfeits the opportunity to participate in 2G offers, said the spokesman. “It’s an iron rule, and the police enforce it.”

The “Bergsteigerbar” is located on Hamburger Berg, a party street in the middle of St. Pauli. Two bouncers outside check the vaccination and recovery records. The 3G model was not worth it for him, says bar manager Nio. “One person per ten square meters – then we would be sitting here with five people.” An outside bar is also not possible, as alcohol can only be served there until 11 p.m. With 2G, the bar has come back to life. “The atmosphere is great. The people are happy that they can finally dance and drink again.”

Peter Arndt, who runs the “Nordlicht” pub with his wife, has introduced a hybrid model. “In order not to lose our guests who have not yet been vaccinated, we have decided to use the 3G model during the week and the 2G model at the weekend,” says Arndt. “Some grumble, but most take it positively.” An unvaccinated bar guest emphasizes that the freedom that the 2G model brings with it is definitely worth considering getting vaccinated.

“Kiez Klause” boss Manu has not yet been vaccinated, and her bar is still running on 3G. “I think it’s unfair, I don’t understand why it can’t go on with tests.” There are also regular guests who have announced that they will no longer come if the pub should adopt the 2G model. There is hostility against 2G operators on social media. In Hamburg-Ottensen, a host who immediately switched to 2G even received a bomb threat. Nevertheless, bar manager Manu also wants to implement the 2G model if she is vaccinated.

“The majority of Hamburgers are vaccinated,” said the Senate spokesman. And the Senate must react to the vaccination quota when determining its measures to combat pandemics. With regard to the new corona infections, the situation in the Hanseatic city has also stabilized at a high level. The situation in the hospitals is also stable.

Hamburg was a pioneer nationwide with the 2G model. In the meantime, other states have followed suit, such as Berlin, Brandenburg, Lower Saxony, Baden-Württemberg, Hesse and Saxony.

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Link to register for the option model

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