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2G in Brandenburg ?: Model Saxony – Berlin expands 2G rule – Brandenburg advises on stricter corona rules

  • In Saxony it has been in effect since today, November 8th the 2G model across the board. Unvaccinated people are excluded from indoor catering and events
  • Brandenburg’s state government wants on Tuesday (9/11) meet and talk about a similar model in the market
  • In Berlin was discussed on Monday that 2G rule to be expanded

Berlin expands the 2G rule

Berliners without vaccination will soon have to get up further restrictions to adjust. According to information from the German Press Agency, the Senate responded to a conference call on Monday evening extensive expansion of the 2G rule agreed – but no decision has yet been taken. In view of the pandemic development and the considerably increased incidence figures nationwide – and also in Berlin – the Access, for example, to restaurants, cinemas and theaters only for vaccinated and convalescent people (2G) be possible – not also for the tested (3G).

The health administration is to work out a corresponding template shortly, which will then be used decided in the next few days could be. It is conceivable that the new regulation already exists in effect next week occurs. Demands to expand the 2G rule in Berlin have recently become louder. At the weekend, both the SPD state chairman Franziska Giffey and the Green parliamentary group leader Bettina Jarasch spoke out in favor.

For example, organizers or operators of restaurants currently have the choice of whether they only allow access to their interiors to those who have been vaccinated and recovered or whether they also allow those who have been tested. In the case of 2G, there is then no mask requirement.

Berlin reintroduces the mask requirement in elementary schools

In the first to sixth grade, the Berlin schools again make mask compulsory. Education Senator Sandra Scheeres (SPD) decided on Monday, as the education administration announced. In addition, it is intended for schoolchildren for the time being continue to have three corona tests a week give in schools. This was originally only planned for the first two weeks after the autumn break. After that, it should be two a week. Regarding the mask requirement, Scheeres said: “I didn’t make this decision easy for myself because I know how much stress children can have with wearing masks. The regulations on infection protection in schools are permanently checked and also discussed in the hygiene advisory board. “

Unlike nationwide, the corona incidence in Berlin has the value of 200 not yet exceeded. According to the RKI on Monday, 194.5 out of 100,000 people in the city contracted the virus in the past seven days. That is significantly more than on Monday a week ago, when a value of 140.2 was quoted.

Is 2G now also coming to Brandenburg?

The SPD parliamentary group leader in the Brandenburg state parliament, Daniel Keller, wants the more stringent 2G regulation of Saxony in view of rising corona numbers also for Brandenburg take over. Except in shops or in local transport, unvaccinated citizens would have to accept massive restrictions in public without an endured Covid disease – negative tests would no longer be sufficient.

According to the MAZ, the state government from the SPD, CDU and Greens wants to get additional on Tuesday Restrictions for the unvaccinated communicate. However, there was also talk of exceptions and other measures to moz.de. You can read about what might happen in Brandenburg here:

2G in Brandenburg: Vaccination quota remains too low

Are in Brandenburg 60.9 percent of the population is fully vaccinated – this puts the state on par with Thuringia, ahead of Saxony (57.0 percent) in the penultimate place of the federal states. The number of new infections with the coronavirus remained at a high level over the weekend: within one day, the health authorities reported 819 new cases on Sunday. The number of new infections per 100,000 inhabitants within a week rose nationwide 227,1. In the meantime, seven districts in Brandenburg and the independent cities of Cottbus and Frankfurt (Oder) are above the warning value of 200.

Corona rules in Saxony: This is the new regulation

A new protection ordinance was passed in Saxony at the end of last week. This has been in effect since November 8th and means massive restrictions for unvaccinated people in the country. So only have Recovered and vaccinated Access to indoor restaurants, discos or leisure and cultural facilities. There are exceptions for children, Adolescents and people who cannot be vaccinated. But you need a test. Even major events like Soccer in the stadium are affected. For the retail trade or church services 2G does not apply. In addition, Saxony has called the advance warning level according to the Saxon ordinance since Friday, which entails further restrictions. Contact restrictions apply, only up to ten people can meet at the same time – with the exception of children under 16 as well as those who have been vaccinated and those who have recovered.

You can find the exact details of the new Saxon corona regulation here on the portal of the Lausitzer Rundschau read up.-

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