Home » today » Health » 29-year-old man from Beek en Donk who died of coronavirus is ‘a sad exception’

29-year-old man from Beek en Donk who died of coronavirus is ‘a sad exception’

Berends of the RIVM refers to a table in the epidemiological map that is devoted to the coronavirus. “The majority of corona patients who die are seventy years of age or older,” he says. This concerns 87.9 percent of all 2101 deaths registered with RIVM. 23.6 percent of them reached an age of between 80 and 84 years.

Elderly especially affected
The coronavirus is particularly hard on the elderly, as is evident from the mortality rates of people under the age of fifty. Eleven people in this age group died. That equals 0.14 percent. As far as is known, besides the 29-year-old man from Beek en Donk, one other patient died in the 25-29 age group.

In addition to the mortality figures, RIVM also explains whether there was ‘underlying suffering’ among the deceased. “This concerns, for example, conditions such as lung disease, asthma, diabetes, cancer or diabetes,” the spokesperson explains. In 1435 (68.3 percent) of the 2101 deceased, ‘underlying suffering’ was diagnosed. This is unknown to 110 people (5.2 percent) and 556 people (26.5 percent) do not know about this.

Exceptions are always possible
As far as is known, the 29-year-old man from Beek en Donk did not have any underlying conditions. “There are always exceptions, no matter how sad,” said Berends. “We don’t know exactly how that is possible. Relatively little is known about this new virus.”

It has been clear for some time that young people can also develop serious complications. A well-known example of this is 16-year-old Sehraz from Breda, who was artificially kept asleep in intensive care.

RIVM statistics confirm this. Of the total 7,427 corona patients admitted to hospital, these were:

  • 32 patients nine years of age or younger (0.43 percent).
  • 147 patients up to thirty years old (1.98 percent).
  • 3,773 patients age 70 or older (50.80 percent).

4614 Brabant corona infections
Every day, RIVM publishes a lot of new information about the coronavirus. The best known are the registered corona infections, hospital admissions and deaths. For example, it became clear on Tuesday that Brabant has 4,614 corona infections. That is 158 more than Monday.


Mayor after resident (29) dies: ‘We support the family with everything we have in us’

Man (29) from Beek and Donk died of the corona virus

Never before have so many corona patients been discharged from hospitals in Brabant

In the video, people from Beek and Donk respond to the death of the 29-year-old:

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