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29% of Rigans would like to live elsewhere in Latvia / Article / LSM.lv

Almost a third of Rigans would like to live not elsewhere in Riga, but somewhere else in Latvia. Such a picture on the eve of the Riga City Council elections is revealed by a survey conducted by SKDS, which was commissioned by LSM and Latvian Television.

“It has been heard that people say that for one reason or another they would like to move from Riga to live elsewhere in Latvia. But what about you? ” And such a question was also asked by sociologists in a survey to Latvian citizens in Riga.

And 29% would like to move away from Riga. Among them, 20.1% would rather move elsewhere, but definitely 8.8%.

On the other hand, out of 61% who would not want to move, 25.4% answered that they would rather not and 35.7% that they definitely would not want to live outside Riga elsewhere in Latvia.

But what are the reasons for those Rigans who want to move from Riga to live elsewhere in Latvia? And the answers show that, despite the fact that Riga is considered a green city with many greenery and parks,

Most of them – 33.7% – admitted that they lack green environment, ecology and nature in Riga, as well as peace and quiet, which was mentioned by 25.5%. The cost of living and material conditions are unsatisfactory at 13.9%. And the top ten reasons also include housing (9.9%), population density (8.6%), the fact that they like the countryside and small towns (7.4%) and do not like problems with the Riga administration and corruption (7.4%). , transport issues (7.3%), people, including national composition (7.0%) as well as disorder and dirt in Riga (6.7%)

And as the Riga City Council elections are approaching, sociologists have also tried to find out whether there are citizens who have changed their official address from another place to Riga just to be able to vote in the Riga elections. And – it turns out that there are. 3.5% answered in the affirmative

However, researchers in this survey have not found that such re-declaration of voters could bring significant benefits to any particular party in these Riga City Council elections.

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