Home » today » Health » 280 women a year are diagnosed with breast cancer in Edomex – El Sol de Toluca

280 women a year are diagnosed with breast cancer in Edomex – El Sol de Toluca

Thanks to prevention campaigns that include free mammograms, up to 280 new cases of breast cancer are currently detected every year, said Carolina Torrijos Mejía, head of the cancer program at the State Institute of Health of Mexico (ISEM).

The specialist explained that breast cancer is the most frequent malignancy in women in Mexico and around the world, so efforts to promote preventive measures should be extended throughout the year and not just in October.

Unfortunately, he announced that in recent years mortality has increased despite all the campaigns, activities and efforts of health institutions and civil organizations.

And it is that currently, he said, 17.9 women die per 100,000 inhabitants when years ago there was a record of 10.5 deaths per 100,000 inhabitants, in addition to this because cancer is not detected in time.

In the State of Mexico, she mentioned, following detection and screening campaigns, more women have been detected with this disease and currently

Each year between 200 and 280 women are diagnosed with breast cancer.

Torrijos Mejía explained that the ideal is that Mexican women from the age of 20 start with an annual clinical breast self-exam and from age 40 to 69 undergo a mammogram every two or even every year.

“This fight against breast cancer is daily, because today we have women aged 30 or 31 with breast cancer and if they detected it in time it was thanks to a self-examination,” he stressed.

In this sense, he stated that health is in the hands of women, who should never let an anomaly pass and undergo screening studies.

“If they are over 25, they should get used to an annual clinical breast self-exam and after 40 years a mammogram, as well as maintaining a healthy life, eliminating alcohol and tobacco use, and avoiding a sedentary lifestyle,” he concluded. .

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