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27th BAföG amendment: BAföG means freedom

FDP27th BAföG amendmentThis first BAföG step is a giant step forward, said Federal Education Minister Bettina Stark-Watzinger about her law.


The Bundestag debated the government draft for a student loan reform in the first reading. “BAföG has to adapt to life, not the other way around,” Bettina Stark-Watzinger campaigned for the amendment.

The number of BAföG recipients has been falling for years. While almost one million students and schoolchildren benefited from the funding in 2012, in 2020 it was just under 640,000. Now the Bundestag is deliberating on a reform that Federal Education Minister Bettina Stark-Watzinger brought to the Bundestag on Thursday. With her first BAföG amendment Stark-Watzinger opens up educational opportunities for more young people and gives the promise of advancement a big boost.

For Stark-Watzinger, the task was clear: “That Federal Ministry of Education and Research is the Ministry of Opportunities, and that is why the reform of the BAföG was at the top of our list of priorities.” For 50 years, the BAföG has been the central instrument so that those whose parents cannot finance it can also choose their educational path freely and independently. “BAföG means freedom: It’s not the parents’ wallet that decides, but the young person themselves. BAföG means equal opportunities.“

The BAföG has to adapt to life

The aim of the reform is to get more people to Opportunity for advancement through education to allow. To this end, the coalition is increasing the allowances on income by a whopping 20 percent. “In this way, we also reach many whose studies were on the brink, because the parents are not badly paid, but it is still not enough to cope with this considerable burden,” says Stark-Watzinger.

On the other hand, the age limit for receiving BAföG will be raised from 30 to 45 at the start of funding. After all, decisions made later in life for higher qualification training deserve support: “One thing is clear: that BAföG has to adapt to lifenot the other way around.”

In addition, requirement rates and the childcare allowance will be significantly increased, and the housing allowance by as much as 11 percent. This increases the maximum subsidy rate from currently 861 euros to 931 euros. In addition, BAföG should in future be easy to apply for digitally via an online portal or by e-mail. The coalition also takes into account the rising cost of living, said Stark-Watzinger, referring to the Heating cost subsidy for BAföG-funded studentswhich the government decided.

The next level in the promise of advancement

“Now we are taking the first important step so that as many people as possible can benefit from the progress as quickly as possible,” emphasized the Free Democrat. 2.3 billion euros are for the reform in this legislature planned. “2.3 billion for more freedom, for more equal opportunities. That means we’re taking the next level in the Ascension Promise. Because no one can choose where they come from. But he should be able to choose where he goes.”

It is also important to you:After 20 years, it should finally be easier to get debts waived without a complicated application process.” The change should take effect as early as autumn. Further reform steps are in sight: “Firstly, we are also planning the emergency aid instrument for BAföG in order to be better prepared for future crises.” She also wants to support young people “if they come from families who have the money for enrollment or equipment is missing.” She is also planning to open BAföG to refugee students from Ukraine. “It is clear to us that we will create good starting conditions for all young people in our country.”

Regarding the criticism, she said: “Yes, every euro in your pocket is always good. But we need the right balance between those who pay and those who get something, and we have to keep rebalancing it.”

Education policy is back in focus

Also FDP faction leader Christian Durr described the BAföG reform as an important signal for young people. Despite many challenges, the traffic light put education policy back in focus right at the beginning of the election period, he told the dpa. He pointed out that in addition to the increase in BAföG rates, housing allowances would also be raised, additional income regulations relaxed, parental allowances increased and the age limit for BAföG receipts raised.

Ria Schroeder, education policy spokeswoman for the FDP parliamentary group, praised: “We are creating the most blatant increase in the allowances in the history of BAföG and are thus reaching children whose families have too little to support them, but too much to get BAföG so far,” said Schröder to the mirror. It is also important that BAföG can be applied for completely digitally in the future.

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