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2,651 new cases of coronavirus in Italy, more than a thousand deaths. 12,839 the positives

There are 2,214 new cases of coronavirus in Italy. Thus the number of affected patients rose to 12,839. 213 instead the patients recovered, 188 the deceased, bringing the number to 1,016. These are the data released in the daily press point by the head of the Civil Protection Angelo Borrelli. The total number of people infected since the beginning of the epidemic thus rises to 15,113.

There are currently 5,000 patients in voluntary isolation at home, 1,153 are in intensive care, 10% affected. 6,650 patients are hospitalized. 98% of the deceased patients are over 68 years of age, 67% of them also had a history.


  • 20:10

    EU Commission to stop the Stability Pact

    The European Commission will try tomorrow to give a strong signal, effectively suspending the rules of the Stability and Growth Pact and state aid to allow Member States to respond to the economic repercussions of the Covid-19 coronavirus.

    But after the flop of the European Central Bank and the collapse of the stock exchanges today, the most important appointment will be that of Monday at the Eurogroup, when the Eurozone finance ministers will have to demonstrate that they are able to respond in a united way and coordinated with a strong fiscal stimulus.
    Tomorrow’s Commission package “will reassure markets and citizens about our commitment,” said Commissioner for Economy Paolo Gentiloni on Bloomberg TV. “Flexibility” will be the key word on both the Stability Pact and state aid.

  • 20:08

    Mattarella, Europe needs solidarity, not obstacles

    Italy is experiencing a difficult condition and its experience of contrasting the spread of coronavirus will probably be useful for all the countries of the European Union. We therefore rightly expect, at least in the common interest, initiatives of solidarity and non-moves that can hinder their action. This is what a note from the President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella says.

  • 19:50

    All the churches of the diocese of Rome closed

    “Until Friday 3 April 2020, access to parochial and non-parochial churches of the Diocese of Rome, open to the public, and more generally to religious buildings of any kind open to the public, is forbidden to all the faithful”. This is what we read in a decree of the cardinal vicar, cardinal Angelo De Donatis considered “the new and even more binding restrictions placed on the ordinary movement of people of the decree of the Prime Minister issued on 11 March 2020” and considered, the ‘Press Releases’ of the National Office for Social Communications of the CEI of today.

  • 7:00 pm

    Borrelli, in the factory if you cannot keep the distance, use the masks

    “On factories, as for the essential health and food supply chains, the Scientific Committee has ruled on the use of masks, I hope soon there will be a provision from the Ministry of Health. The principle is that there is no need for a mask if you keep the distance of one meter in case of work activities or relationships that you entertain. If you could not keep the distance in the workplace you must use the masks “. Emergency Commissioner Angelo Borrelli said it in the Civil Protection press point.

  • 18:41

    Borrelli, providing assistance to the homeless

    Homelessness “is a topic that we have been dealing with for some time and that we have reiterated today. I want to thank the Lazio Region and Councilor D’Amato who was in contact with us. I specifically asked the Lazio Region and the municipalities to find facilities for provide adequate assistance to the homeless, but it is an appeal that I want to address to all administrations, to organize structures for the assistance of the homeless at a territorial level “. The emergency commissioner Angelo Borrelli said it in the press point.

  • 18:30

    London: “We are 4 weeks behind Italy”

    “We are currently on a trajectory that seems about four weeks behind Italy and some other countries in Europe.” This was stated by Sir Patrick Vallance, the British government’s chief scientific adviser, explaining that in terms of total numbers of cases, “it is far more likely that we currently have between 5,000 and 10,000 people infected” in the UK. “This is still a relatively small number,” he added.

  • 18:25

    The cases, region by region

    In detail: there are currently 6,896 positive cases in Lombardy, 1,758 in Emilia-Romagna, 1,297 in Veneto, 554 in Piedmont, 570 in the Marche, 352 in Tuscany, 243 in Liguria, 174 in Campania, 172 in Lazio, 148 in Friuli Venezia Giulia, 98 in Puglia, 102 in the autonomous Province of Trento, 103 in the autonomous Province of Bolzano, 111 in Sicily, 62 in Umbria, 78 in Abruzzo, 39 in Sardinia, 26 in Valle d’Aosta, 32 in Calabria, 16 in Molise and 8 in Basilicata.

    1,258 people were healed. 1,016 have died, however this number can only be confirmed after the Istituto Superiore di Sanità has established the actual cause of the death.

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