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26-Year-Old Man Arrested for Refusing Drug Test at Traffic Stop in Nieuwdorp

By: Eugène Hartoorn

NIEUWDORP – A 26-year-old man from Bergen op Zoom was arrested on Friday morning because he refused to cooperate with a drug test at a traffic stop near Nieuwdorp.

Patrol officers called a van driver for a traffic stop around 11:35 am. The officers looked at the man’s papers in the parking lot on Finland. Because the officers suspected that the man might be under the influence of drugs, they also wanted to take an indicative saliva test. This man refused. The officers then asked the man to take a blood test. He didn’t want to participate in this at all.

So he was arrested for not complying with an order or request. Amid loud protests, the man was taken to a cell center and interrogated there, police said. After this questioning he was allowed to go home. His driver’s license was confiscated. The police prepare a report and send it to the Public Prosecution Service for further processing.

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Willem (28-4-2024 at 00:01)

If you drive a car (company) in the morning while you are on drugs, I think you belong to the category of addicts. They are not in traffic. Impound/destroy your car and take away your driver’s license forever, don’t you want to fight it hard? Then you have to bear the consequences, but unfortunately highly paid lawyers think differently about this because of their income and not because of road safety/legislation.

Tommy Klunert (27-4-2024 at 21:29)

@wallie: he won’t get away with it. If you refuse to cooperate with the blood test, you will be punished as much as the maximum penalty for driving under the influence. Then you will lose your driving license for at least six months. In addition there is a large fine.

henky (27-4-2024 at 21:10)

Be a yes and no game again

Albert (27-4-2024 at 20:47)

@wallie. If he refuses, he will receive the maximum punishment.

wallie (27-4-2024 at 19:32)

And hopefully the saliva/blood test was taken, otherwise he’ll get away with it.

2024-04-27 14:14:00

#Driver #arrested #drivers #license #revoked #refusing #saliva #test

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