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26 employees Pieter Jelles Troelstraschool sick: students three days of lessons at home until Christmas

“We have never seen a school with so many sick employees”, responds the spokesman for education alderman Marjolein Moorman. Of the 26 sick employees of the Pieter Jelles Troelstraschool, nine have tested positive for corona. Four are in quarantine and a number are sick at home for a long time. Last week, six classes have already been sent home.

‘At a certain point, the need is too great. Last week the number of sick people was so high that the standard physical teaching just couldn’t be sustained, ‘says the spokesperson for the school board. Officially, the hybrid form of teaching, two days physical, three days online, will start next Monday.

The school board says that plans have been in place for a while if there would be a lot of illness. ‘Before the autumn break, we already asked our schools for backup plans, in case things did go wrong. The PJ Troelstraschool also made a number of plans, of which this solution was one. In our opinion, that was well received by the employees and parents. ‘

‘Pretty drastic decision’

A quite drastic decision, says a parent NH News. The parents have to arrange childcare until Christmas. Nevertheless, the school board considers the measure justified. ‘Then you can try such a hybrid form for one week and then see if we can go back to’ normal ‘the week after, but children are already getting so much over them. They also need regularity. That is why we chose to do this until the Christmas holidays. ‘

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