Home » today » Health » 26.4. – Princely blood donation & typing campaign in Saarbrücken Castle – Dudweiler-Blog.de

26.4. – Princely blood donation & typing campaign in Saarbrücken Castle – Dudweiler-Blog.de

(press release) Blood donation appointments from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. can be reserved online in advance

The blood donation campaign of the DRK blood donation service West, which has been successful for many years, will take place again on Tuesday, April 26th, in Saarbrücken Castle. The offer is aimed not only at the employees of the regional association, but also at the citizens. Between 11 a.m. and 3 p.m. blood donation stations are available for donors in the ballroom of the castle. An appointment can be reserved online in advance at www.blutspende.jetzt (Direct link: terminreservierung.blutspendedienst-west.de/oeffentliche-spendeorte/saarbruecken-regionalverband).

In addition, the Stefan Morsch Foundation, which is involved in the fight against leukemia, is represented for the first time and is offering a typing campaign. Anyone who has not exceeded the age of 40 can be typed. When donating blood, the typing can be carried out using an additional blood donation tube. Those who are only interested in typing are determined by their saliva.

Anyone over the age of 18 can donate blood, new donors up to their 68th birthday. You should always bring an official photo ID with you when you donate blood. Men can donate blood six times and women four times within twelve months. There must be a gap of 56 days between two blood donations.

Important: People who have tested positive for the coronavirus have to wait four weeks before they can donate blood again. The 3G rule applies on site. In addition, potential donors must wear an FFP2 mask. More information at www.blutspendedienst-west.de/corona.

The DRK Blood Donation Service West has set up a free hotline for anyone who wants to find out more about blood donation dates close to where they live. All questions will be answered on 0800 11 949 11 or by email to [email protected]. Find out more independently on the Internet at www.blutspendedienst-west.de.

Featured image: regional association

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