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2,500 Year Old Man-made Lake Believed To Be Sacred Pond Found on Island of Sicily

KOMPAS.com – a Lake 2500 year old man made found on the island of Sicily. Interestingly, this lake is not a port used for military or trade purposes as previously thought.

Lake This according to archaeologists turned out to be a pool sacred which was used by the ancient Phoenicians as religious complex a large one, where the pool can reflect the starlight of certain constellations.

Around the pool there are also rows of temples and altars to honor some of the deities.

This discovery also provides new insights into the ancient Phoenician culture and its relationship with nature.

“It is holy pool in the center of a large religious complex. Not a port,” said Lorenzo Nigro, study researcher and professor of Near Eastern and Phoenician Archeology at Rome’s Sapienza University.

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quote Live ScienceTuesday (22/3/2022) a new interpretation of the basin or artificial lake it emerged after excavations revealed a large building, namely the Temple of Ba’al which was used to honor the Phoenician god.

Generally, shrines were found along military ports. However, to find out what the function of the basin actually is, the researchers then drained and dug the basin.

As a result, they saw that the artificial lake was not connected to the sea like most ports, but instead filled with natural freshwater springs.

It shows sacred pond found in Sicily which has an area of ​​52.5 x 37 meters is used for other purposes, namely as a quiet sacred pool.

Researchers also found the remains of a temple around the 2,500-year-old man-made lake basin, which consists of altars, carved stone slabs, offerings in the form of special objects such as statues.

Also read: Lake Hillier, Australia’s Pink Lake

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