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25-year-old American inherited Elon Musk’s old phone number

No, you’re not talking to Elon Musk. Every day, Lyndsay Tucker must explain to the many interlocutors who contact her that the boss of Tesla is no longer the owner of the line.

A telephone line that this seller at Sephora in San Jose, California has been awarded by AT&T, the largest telephone service provider in the United States. Ironthat is to say, the young woman knew nothing of Elon Musk until this mishap. It was only when she confided in her mother over the texts and calls with which she was overwhelmed that she discovered the identity of the one for whom they were intended. “And my mother’s jaw just fell “, she told the American media NPR, describing her dismay.

A few years ago, AT&T gave Lyndsay Tucker a number that had previously belonged to Elon Musk, as shown by the public files consulted by NPR. Specifically, the line was connected to an apartment bought and sold years ago in Palo Alto, California by the CEO of Tesla who then got rid of the number. The latter was finally reassigned and given to the young woman who receives on average three calls or messages addressed to the one she has never met. Sometimes much more when the words of the founder of Tesla and SpaceX cause controversy.

“Sometimes it gets irritating”

Contacted by NPR, Elon Musk said he was surprised that the number was still active but did not expand in his response. He did not react to the journalist’s question asking him if he had given this number to people to mislead them. Among the messages intercepted by Lyndsay Tucker: a woman volunteering to travel in space with SpaceX, plans to create a bionic member or even information about research on a vaccine against the coronavirus.

“Whenever I see his name appear in the news, I think ‘I need to find out what he said because probably someone will send me a message about it or call me ”, she testifies, adding: “Even if I find it funny most of the time, it sometimes becomes irritating call after call after call”. However, Lyndsay Tucker does not intend to part with this cumbersome number. Ambitious to become an actress, she sees these many contacts as great opportunities.

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