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25 Rescued from Sinking Sailing Ship off Vlieland Coast by Emergency Services

Emergency and rescue services rescued 25 people from a sailing ship off the coast of Vlieland on Thursday evening. The boat was about to sink.

Firefighters helped keep the boat afloat. Shortly after midnight, the leak was closed and the ship was stable, a fire service spokesman said. The Royal Dutch Rescue Company (KNRM) and Rederij Noordgat were also involved in the rescue operation.

The people who were removed from the vessel were taken ashore from Vlieland by ship. According to the spokesperson, the ship had been called Love of Friesland a leak in the bow. The fire brigade was able to help with its own ship by pumping water from the three-master, while the people on board were evacuated.

Of Love of Friesland is used, among other things, for parties and sailing cruises, according to the website of Frisian Sailing Company. You can eat on board. The ship has twelve luxurious double cabins.

2023-05-19 07:12:13

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