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25 recommendations for Christmas and the holidays

Relax, enjoy and good entertainment: This is the perfect switch-off program for the holidays. Are you still looking for inspiration? With pleasure! We met in the editorial office of BASIC thinking We asked around and put together our personal film tips for the holidays for you.

No matter whether you are looking for old film classics or are in the mood for new releases: The holidays are ideal for a relaxed entertainment program.

But the selection of films is huge. We have therefore put together our personal favorites for you as inspiration. These are our film tips for the Christmas season, straight from our editorial team.

Tobias Gillen: Kevin versus the bad guys

My film tips for the holidays are “Kevin Home Alone” and “Kevin Alone in New York”. I know these are total clichés, but at home alone we always watch Kevin face the two bad guys over the holidays.

For me these are two classic Christmas films that are not getting old!

Sebastian Voss: A sci-fi classic in a new edition

My film tip for the holidays is “Total Recall”, but the remake with Colin Farrell from 2012. The film is a must for die-hard science fiction fans!

It’s also one of the few films where the remake is at least as good as that Original. I speak here from experience. I’ve seen the film at least six times.

Christina Widner: Two traditional films

For me, “Kevin at home” is a must every year at Christmas. We have always watched the film since I was little. Even if I can have a say in the lyrics, the film remains just cult.

And my second tip is Harry Potter. If you’ve never seen the films before, you probably think the films are only for kids. The films are far too good not to be watched over and over again. The music, the atmosphere, the story – the Harry Potter films are some of my all-time favorites.

Marcel Kappelsberger: Two moving stories

My first film tip for the Christmas season is the film “Just a Woman”, which can be seen on Amazon Prime. The story bases on a true story and tells the fate of a young woman in Germany who escapes violence in their marriage.

But while she wants to start again, her family distances itself from her. I recommend this movie since he is very engaging and really moved.

Tip number two is “Schumacher”. The Netflix documentation is movinge Insights into the life of Michael Schumacher and his family. He reports from Start of his career, setbacks, highlights as well as his Accident.

As for many, Michael Schumacher is the idol of my childhood. You can see how much he is fought for his dream and yet stayed on the ground and always protected his family.

Just one woman

Fabian Peters: A Christmas film and an anti-Christmas film

My film tips for the holidays include both a Christmas movie and an anti-Christmas movie.

As a traditional film, I recommend “Crazy Christmas”. The film is just super funny and in my opinion an often underrated classic.

My other tip is “Bad Santa” because for me it is a kind of anti-Christmas film that defies all hypocrisy and yet gives a sense of Christmas and reality in a humorous way.

Bad Santa

Marinela Potor: A classic and something to scare you

There are films that you can watch over and over again and they don’t get old. The classic “National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation” is one such movie for me.

The funny Christmas story of this crazy family is perfect for me to switch off for the holidays and above all to have a laugh with the whole family almost continuously. And if you like the humor, you should definitely watch the other films from the series!

My other film tips for the holidays also include “Gaslight” (German: “The House of Lady Alquist”), in the version from 1944 with Ingrid Bergman and Charles Boyer.

With this psychological thriller it gets very scary even without zombies, saws or masks and the acting skills of the main actors are just unbelievably good! Fits great in the cold season.

Maria Gramsch: From comedy to fairy tale

The following tips are just a few of the many possible recommendations, because I think there are so many great films that just kind of belong to Christmas.

First and foremost, of course, Kevin alone at home and in New York. But we also run Notting Hill and Bridget Jones every year. My favorite place to watch Kevin and Notting Hill is with my father. He’s always laughing at the bandits and the roommate – that’s just wonderful.

Otherwise we are also big fans of fairy tales. My top three are: the princess with the gold star, the dancing shoes and of course three hazelnuts for Cinderella.

André Gabriel: Big action and little monsters

My film tips for the holidays include “Die Hard 1” and “Die Hard 2” … I’m just saying yippie yah yei, pig cheek! And “Edward Scissorhands” also ensures a very soulful Christmas, at the latest when Edward is working on the ice sculpture and it is snowing.

There are little monsters in almost all families at Christmas, but the “gremlins” are particularly beastly. And then I also recommend the first two Harry Potter films. We all dream of being part of the festive dinner in the great hall.

Finally, I’m a fan of “Kevin Home Alone” too. After all, this is the mother of all Christmas comedies – a bit forgetful, but all the funnier.

Beatrice Bode: family chaos to the power of two

For me, “Every year again – Christmas with the Coopers” is simply part of Christmas.

The film tells the story of a chaotic but lovable family just before the Christmas holidays. Every family member starts with his own personal drama in this time and we as viewers watch how everything slowly develops and sometimes goes up in emotional flames. Many scenes are so weird that you just have to laugh in shame with hunched shoulders.

But my absolute favorite when it comes to film tips for Christmas is “The Stone Family” for me.

This film paints the portrait of a family who come together from every corner for the Christmas holidays. In the middle of it all is Sarah Jessica Parker, who, as the friend of the oldest son, is traveling to the family for the first time – and no one is really in the mood for it. The film has a lot of contemplative moments for that Christmas feeling and is set somewhere in a small American town that is completely snowed in.

And: The “Grinch” and “The Little Lord” shouldn’t be missing at Christmas time either!

Andrea Keller: Two films with a binge factor

I have two absolute favorite Christmas movies and they’re both Kevin movies. Especially “Kevin alone in New York” is my absolute favorite. You feel like a child every year and even though you know everything by heart, you are happy every time!

We also always watch the Lord of the Rings series at Christmas time. It’s not Christmas-like per se, but it’s perfect for the holidays because they’re so long and intense films. This is especially great because you have time to watch all the films one after the other.

Christian Erxleben: No kitsch, but schnapps

I’ll be honest: I can’t do much with the romantic, kitschy films about Christmas. For me it is more of a torture to watch these contrived and over-emotional strips. That’s why I have two other film tips.

As for many others in the editorial team, for me the eight Harry Potter films are part of Christmas. Here, too, Christmas plays a special role in every film, but without sinking into kitsch. Instead, it deals with human problems such as arguments among friends or disagreements in the family.

Not right at Christmas, but no later than New Year’s Eve, “Dinner for One” shouldn’t be missing. With or without schnapps: It’s up to you.

Dinner for One

Laetitia von Marées: Twice kitschy Christmas chaos

My first film tip for the holidays is “Schöne Bescherung” with Chevy Chase from 1989. The film is an absolute classic and a must at Christmas. I always feel like I’m transported back to the 90s and I love this kitschy Christmas chaos!

I also really love “Crazy Christmas” with Jamie Lee Curtis. Here, too, there is a bit of Christmas chaos. I seem to have a thing for it, but it’s just too fun!

Crazy Christmas

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