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25 infections among former politicians after a trip: ‘Mouth masks were left in the bag’ Inland

It was previously announced that fourteen members of the VOP had already contracted the virus, but on Thursday the board informed members that the number has increased to 25, more than half of the participants in the trip. Wiebenga herself also became infected and was a bit ill because of it. He declined to comment on the condition of the others. According to her own words, one participant has been feeling pretty bad for a while, but is at home. The 25 have reported themselves to the club, in theory even more people could have been infected. The VOP is still investigating that, says Wiebenga.

‘Mouths were left in a bag’

During their working visit to a castle in Helmond, the company looked at a car with solar panels and, after showing all QR codes, had lunch inside the monument. They then went by bus to De Peel to learn about the tensions between the agricultural interests in the region and the interests of nature and the environment.

It was a bus that was arranged by the municipality of Helmond. According to one of the participants, the mouth caps, which are mandatory in public transport, were often left in a pocket or bag. The QR codes had been checked and people had already sat together at the table, or so the thought. Wiebenga could not say anything about this on Thursday. He emphasizes that the QR codes have been checked three times.

The board regrets the aftermath of the day out “greatly and wishes everyone who has been infected a very speedy recovery. The board will contact the medical authorities to analyze possible causes of this high number, also to prevent a recurrence in the future.” The GGD in Brabant is also involved, says Wiebenga.

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