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25% decrease in hospitalizations at SOS Santé


31 patients affected by Covid-19 are currently hospitalized at SOS Santé Saint-Avold, against 40 last week. In detail, 22 of them are followed in medical service, 2 in continuing care and 7 in intensive care. This represents two patients in critical situation less compared to February 19. “This 25% drop in the number of patients should not reduce vigilance, on the contrary. First of all because the neighboring hospitals, Metz, Thionville, Forbach, are saturated. And that the incidence rate in Moselle is 308 per 100,000 people, while it is 214 per 100,000 people on national territory, ”warns Denis Garcia, director of the Saint-Avold hospital. Remember that the department is placed under enhanced surveillance.


85% is the intensive care occupancy rate which still has 17 places, including eight dedicated to Covid-19 patients. “We are still on a high level of the epidemic”, admits Denis Garcia, ready to push the walls of the service a little further in the event of an influx of patients, and to mobilize medical and paramedical personnel to overcome the emergency. “I know that everyone will be on a war footing when the time comes. Since the start of the pandemic, they have not let go. “


107 is the number of coronavirus-related deaths that have occurred since October 13. That’s four more than last week.

3 380

3,380 people have been vaccinated to date at the dedicated Saint-Avold center, including 1,034 for the second injection. In Moselle, 63,000 men and women were immunized, including 15,300 for the booster.

Among the SOS Santé teams, 175 agents were able to benefit from the serum, those over 50 or staff suffering from associated pathologies. Finally, 130 patients followed by dialysis or benefiting from chemotherapy treatment were vaccinated. “This helps protect people at risk or immunosuppressed,” says Garcia.


200 injected doses is the daily strike force at the Saint-Avold vaccination center. It is open seven days a week from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. At the start of the immunization campaign, the Saint-Avold hospital was inoculating 90 doses per day. By mid-February, it had increased to 135 doses / day. To reach since last February 20 the 200 daily vaccinations. Time slots are always available on the Doctolib platform.


The SOS Santé hospital in Saint-Avold, in agreement with the State services, decided on Monday March 8 to reserve vaccination time slots for municipalities.

Clearly, each city in the region has listed the people who have not been able to make an appointment via the digital platform, or who do not have internet or are in a precarious situation. These lists are then sent to the sub-prefecture which passes them on to the Naborian vaccination center.

From Monday to Friday, from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m., they can receive a dose of serum. Finally, from next week, home helpers, such as medical transporters, will have access to the doses. it will suffice for them to make themselves known via the Doctolib platform.

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