Home » today » News » 25-26 December with RAIN and SNOW, already from CHRISTMAS Eve until Santo STEFANO! And there are surprises »ILMETEO.it

25-26 December with RAIN and SNOW, already from CHRISTMAS Eve until Santo STEFANO! And there are surprises »ILMETEO.it

Weather: 25-26 December with RAIN and SNOW, already from CHRISTMAS Eve to Santo STEFANO! And there are surprises

Atlantic disturbances for the Christmas weekendConfirmation has arrived: it will be a Christmas and Boxing day weekend compromised by bad weather. As anticipated in recent days, the weather for the next Christmas holidays will be affected by perturbations in series from the Atlantic Ocean that will invest Italy starting from Vigil, bringing so much rain, thunderstorms e even the copious snow on our mountains.
But beware, it will not be so for everyone, they will be there surprises, as in some corners of our country there will also be room for glances of the sun.
But let’s go in order to better understand what to expect, analyzing all the details of the latest updates that have just arrived.

In order to understand well what time awaits us for Christmas holidays we must broaden our gaze until you get in full Atlantic Ocean where one catches the eye large depression area positioned between the British Isles and Iceland. It is, in essence, a real one perturbation machine, a bit of what generally happens during the autumn season, ready to churn out storms that then impact Western Europe.

Well, already from the day of Christmas Eve, On Friday 24 December a first unstable impulse will reach our country causing a general increase in clouds over much of the North and some sectors of the Center, with the risk of rainfall especially on the Liguria and onupper Tuscany. Local rain showers are also expected between Lazio and Campania. As the hours pass, some rains may extend also on the bass Piedmont, at the Lombardy, all’Emilia Romagna and finally al Veneto.

This Atlantic disturbance is destined to persist even on Christmas day, Saturday 25 December on a large part of the Center-North. The most intense precipitations, also of a thunderstorm character, are expected on the Eastern Liguria e on the Tyrrhenian side up to Campania (eye in particular between Tuscany e Lazio). During the day it will be possible to rain even up Emilia Romagna, Veneto e Friuli Venezia Giulia. Major sunny spaces finally to the Northwest, a good part of the Alps and to the extreme South and the Major Islands where, thanks to the mild winds from the southern quadrants, the temperature maximums will rise up to around 18 ° C especially on Sicily and Sardinia and Calabria.

Thus we arrive at the day of Saint Stephen, Sunday 26th December, when the arrival of one is expected second disturbance that already from the first light of day will bring new ones rains al Northeast, in Lombardy and then extending to all regions of the Center where thunderstorms, even of strong intensity, with local hailstorms may occur.
The will also return snowfall on the Apennines starting from 1500/1600 meters of altitude.
This second disturbed front will also be able to reach part of the South, notably the Campania, then to a lesser extent also the Basilicata and the Puglia.

Atlantic disturbances on a collision course with ItalyAtlantic disturbances on a collision course with Italy
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