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24,381 minutes of music in the repertoire

The development phase was influenced by Josef Meier for the organizational and Edmund Brummel for the musical direction. In 2008 the youth wind orchestra became the Hövelhof wind orchestra.

50 years of the Hövelhof Wind Orchestra, that means in numbers: over 600 months of club life, around 1800 rehearsals, more than 6000 hours of rehearsals, over 24,381 minutes of pieces of music in the repertoire and 275,000 seconds of presentation march at the shooting festivals.

One of its main goals, appealing brass music in good quality, is shown by the orchestra, for example, at its traditional spring concert. The first spring concert took place in 1975 under the direction of Edmund Brummel. He was followed by five other conductors, who gave the orchestra their own individual touch and continued to develop it further. While the ensemble initially played more traditional folk tunes, it now masters a wide variety of musical styles, which are presented through sophisticated arrangements. Under the direction of the current conductor Guido Kostmann, in addition to the musical quality, the combination of music and show has found its way into the orchestra.

A photo from the beginning: The picture shows the youth wind orchestra in 1974, three years after it was founded. Since 2008 the ensemble has been shortened to the name of “wind orchestra”. Photo: Wind band

The fact that the orchestra has always worked intensively on its orchestra over the years is shown by its participation in various musical competitions, for example in 1980 the state competition for youth wind orchestras (2nd place) or in 2014 at the state music festival in Soest under the direction of Björn Zimmermann (with completed with outstanding success). Another milestone in the orchestra’s history is the annual Christmas concert in the Hövelhof parish church, which took place for the first time in 1993.

The orchestra often prepares for the musical highlights at rehearsal weekends lasting several days and is regularly supported by committed external lecturers.

The orchestra has become an indispensable part of many social events in the Hövelhof community. It is traditionally represented at the Hövelmarkt, the Radelfest or the Nikolausmarkt as well as through the musical accompaniment at the Schützenfest. In addition, the orchestra also plays at other shooting events, such as the festival band at the Störmeder shooting festival. A particular highlight was, for example, taking part in the Federal Rifle Festival in 2009 or, last but not least, making music at the anniversaries of the rifle clubs in Hövelhof and Störmede.

Another key objective of the orchestra is work with young people. Children and young people have the opportunity to approach their instrument in individual and group lessons and are supported by trained specialist staff. In addition to training and promoting the young talent group and a youth orchestra, the wind orchestra also finds support through recruiting new musicians who have already been trained. In addition to the multitude of musical activities, the orchestra pays special attention to communal togetherness. Every year, for example, there are hiking days, Christmas and New Year celebrations. But also orchestra trips, for example to Verrieres, shape the club life.

Due to the corona lockdown, the anniversary spring concert could not take place this year. The orchestra hopes to be able to celebrate its first musical events again in the second half of the year. The anniversary concert will take place next year on April 2nd at 7.30 p.m. in the Schützen- und Bürgerhaus.

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