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24-Year-Old Taiwan Woman Overcomes Ovarian Cancer During Pregnancy: A True Story of Courage and Motherhood

[Ovarian Cancer/Pregnancy Preparation/Pregnancy/Chemotherapy]Being a mother is important! A 24-year-old woman in Taiwan successfully “created a human” after half a year of trying to get pregnant. Unexpectedly, 4 months into her pregnancy, she was told that her ovaries contained a malignant tumor. Upon seeing this, her family members persuaded her to undergo abortion and undergo chemotherapy, but she could not give up her unborn child. , decided to persist until the last moment. In the end, under the monitoring and companionship of doctors and family members, she successfully gave birth to a healthy baby girl, although mottled stretch marks and scars appeared on her body. She continued to undergo surgeries and treatments a few months after giving birth, shared her treatment tips, and sighed two major insights.

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A Taiwanese female netizen recently posted on the online discussion forum “Dcard” as “At the age of 24, I had cancer and was pregnant at the same time.Sharing her experience, she said that she successfully got pregnant after half a year of hard work. Everything was normal in the first 3 months of pregnancy. Unexpectedly, during the 4th month prenatal check-up, the doctor pointed out that there was a 9 cm tumor in the ovary and she needed to be referred to another hospital. The hospital performs ultrasound examination.

After ultrasound and blood tests, the doctor said that the tumor seemed to be a benign teratoma, but the test was not accurate, so he referred the patient to a gynecological surgeon for examination. After confirming that the anesthetic had no effect on the child, the victim decided to undergo laparoscopy. Unexpectedly, during a follow-up visit a week later, she was informed that the tumor was malignant and that she needed to be referred to a gynecological oncologist for treatment.

Unable to let go of the child in her belly, determined to give it a try

The victim admitted that she didn’t feel anything at the moment. When the family was waiting for the consultation, the family members silently said: “If there is no other way, just take it off.” She burst into tears and said bluntly: “The doctor didn’t ask me to take it off.” But the doctor didn’t tell me to take it off. But he also said: “In this case, direct chemotherapy is required.” Seeing that the victim was extremely resistant, Fang Zai said that he could try to conduct a magnetic resonance scan (MRI) without injecting a contrast agent to check the situation. Finally, after monitoring, she was found The situation is acceptable, so it is recommended to continue to be suspicious and draw blood for follow-up every month to monitor the latest status of pregnancy.

The patient’s blood draws were changed from once a month to once every two weeks during the second trimester. She admitted that during the process, she “had breakdowns, anxiety, and almost suffered from pregnancy depression.” However, she slowly adjusted to the situation due to the monitoring and companionship of doctors and family members. Her mood also became stable, and she finally gave birth to a healthy baby girl weighing over 3,000 grams in November last year.

Bravely face painful treatment

After giving birth, she was relieved of her worries. She was no longer afraid of cancer treatment and accepted multiple chemotherapy treatments and examinations calmly. After 4 to 5 rounds of chemotherapy, the doctor recommended that the left ovary and fallopian tube be removed. The uterus and right ovary and fallopian tube would need to be checked after laparotomy. Finally, on February 29, he underwent nearly 11 hours of surgery to eliminate the cancer cells. It is still pending. Chemotherapy and follow-up.

The patient revealed that after the operation, she had stretch marks, laparoscopic scars, and a 25-centimeter wound on her abdomen. During the operation, she had to undergo nutritional injections. Because the blood vessels were too thin, she had to take turns with her left and right hands to inject and install artificial blood vessels. Faced with the painful and scarred treatment, she smiled and pointed out that she was currently waiting for her first chemotherapy treatment on Friday, but as she watched the “tubes being slowly removed” on her body, all she wanted was to be “healthy”, and the newborn baby The daughter was fully taken care of by her husband, which made her exclaim: “I feel like I married the right person!”

7 high-risk groups for ovarian cancer

According to the Hong Kong Cancer Statistics Center, a total of 585 new cases of ovarian and peritoneal cancer and 257 deaths were recorded in Hong Kong in 2020, becoming the sixth most common and deadliest cancer among women in Hong Kong respectively. Christine Wong, a specialist in clinical oncology at the Hong Kong Comprehensive Cancer Center, pointed out earlier that the cause of ovarian cancer is currently unknown, and early symptoms are difficult to detect, making it easy for patients to miss the golden period of treatment. Studies have shown that the following seven categories of people are at high risk:

4 common symptoms of ovarian cancer

Although the early symptoms of ovarian cancer are not obvious, Dr. Huang Lishan said that if women find that their bodies continue to have the following four major symptoms, they should seek medical treatment as soon as possible:

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Editor in charge: Luo Jiaxin

2024-03-11 07:18:50

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