Tomorrow, President Yoon Seok-yeol will reach the turning point of his term.
Looking back on President Yoon’s two and a half years in office, he emphasized cooperation and governance as his first priority, but vetoed 24 bills and did not attend the opening ceremony of the National Assembly or even the city administration speech.
It was a series of serious conflicts and conflicts to the extent that it would not be an exaggeration to say that politics had disappeared.
Reporter Jaemin Ko reports.
President Yoon Seok-yeol’s veto came less than a year after taking office.
Last April, when the opposition party passed a review of the Grain Management Act asking the government to buy more rice, they rejected it, saying it was republicanism.
[윤석열 대통령(지난해 4월 4일)]
“This is a typical populist bill that will not help farmers or rural development at all.”
After that, the ‘Nursing Act’, ‘Yellow Envelope Act’, and ‘Broadcasting Act 3’.
President Yoon has vetoed 24 bills 11 times over the past two and a half years.
It was at its highest level since democratization.
In particular, he banned the “Chae Sang-byeong Special Prosecution Act” and the “First Lady Kim Kun-hee Special Prosecution Act” which targeted him and his family.
There was criticism that it was a conflict of interest.
[김용민/더불어민주당 의원(지난 10월 14일)]
“Out of the 24 vetoes, I vetoed five special prosecutors for the president and his spouse.
Cooperation with the main opposition party was necessary, but President Yoon Seok-yeol chose to avoid it rather than explain and persuade him.
Absentee attendance at the opening ceremony of the National Assembly for the first time in 37 years since democratization.
Prime Minister Han Deok-soo was also on behalf of the government during a city administration speech asking for cooperation in a budget plan.
Despite criticism that it was a violation of the people’s rights, President Yoon blamed the opposition party.
[윤석열 대통령(지난 7일)]
“You only have to compliment once or twice … but they refuse to shake hands and even boo. ”
Over the past two and a half years, 30 people have been appointed without the hearing report of the National Assembly staff.
Even compared to the administrations of Moon Jae-in, Park Geun-hye, and Lee Myung-bak, the number was very high.
The relationship between the party and the government was also not smooth.
There was a war of nerves before a private meeting with CEO Han Dong-hoon.
The issue of Mrs. Kim Kun-hee has always been a live spark between Yoon Seok-yeol and Han Dong-hoon.
[한동훈/국민의힘 대표(지난 10월 17일)]
“Ms Kim must stop outside activities as she promised during the presidential election.
The president is first in the country’s power hierarchy.
He’s able to be the first person to reach out and lead collaboration, but over the last two and a half years, it’s been difficult for the public to see that kind of side in him. ‘ President Yoon Seok-yeol.
This is Go Jae-min from MBC News.
Video editing: Jo Min-woo
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2024-11-09 11:21:00
#vetoes #years #months #conflict #cooperation