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24 hours TikTok per month. 3x as much as on Instagram.

The use and time that people spend in social networks has increased significantly again during the corona pandemic. The enormous growth in users and the more intensive use of social media in general have again significantly increased the time spent on TikTok.

Users spend almost 24 hours loud App Annie every month on TikTok. That’s four hours more than last year. This means that TikTok is clearly at the top in terms of the length of stay per month. Before Instagram, Facebook and also messaging apps like WhatsApp and Telegram.

Social media time spent on TikTok hours month 2022

It is interesting that TikTok overtook the other social networks and messengers in 2018. Even if Instagram was able to increase the length of stay, the gap to TikTok is quite large. Instagram comes to 8.5 hours per month. This puts Instagram behind Facebook with 11 hours and WhatsApp with 11.4 hours.

But as we know, Instagram is part of Meta. If you add Instagram, Facebook and WhatsApp, people spend almost 31 hours in a “meta app”. Facebook Messenger is even missing here.

TikTok 2021 with more downloads than WhatsApp, Instagram and Facebook

App Annie also evaluated the downloads. As with the length of stay, TikTok also takes the top spot here. WhatsApp and Instagram are still on the podium.

Facebook is still behind Snapchat and Pinterest in 8th place. Twitter didn’t make it into the top 10 in Germany, it’s the eighth position for Twitter worldwide.

Globally, TikTok is also at the top, followed by Instagram and Facebook.

Messaging apps such as WhatsApp, Telegram and Signal are well placed in Germany. Facebook Messenger still makes it into the top 10, but is somewhat surprisingly behind Discord. Discord will be an app we’ll be hearing a lot more about in 2022, and there will likely be other companies making their first attempts at Discord.

Top Social Networks Germany App Downloads 2022

Different age groups with different favorite apps

Of course, there are differences in usage within the different age groups. While Gen Z prefers WhatsApp, Instagram, Spotify and TikTok, Millennials prefer Facebook, Amazon, Facebook Messenger and ebay classifieds.

For the baby boomers, it is the Corona warning and CovPass app. What does that tell us now? ???? It’s just that a larger proportion of older target groups use significantly fewer apps. The Corona-Warn-App is an essential app and the results do not mean that younger generations have not installed it, but simply that other apps are used more frequently.

App Annie uses its own measurement technology to measure the length of stay or the monthly active users. There are no official statistics. However, since the report shows the developments since 2018, the changes are interesting and show how the use of the individual social networks has developed.

Im Report you will find many more results and rankings in areas such as travel, finance and gaming. Definitely worth reading.

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