Home » today » World » 23 years after the attack on the Twin Towers: remembering the day that changed the world – El Sol de Salamanca

23 years after the attack on the Twin Towers: remembering the day that changed the world – El Sol de Salamanca

Today, September 11, 2024, marks 23 years since the tragic attack that marked a milestone in recent history: the attack on the Twin Towers in New York, the Pentagon in Washington DC, and United Flight 93, which crashed in Pennsylvania. On this day, we commemorate not only the loss of nearly 3,000 lives, but also the lasting impact on global politics, security, and society.

In the early morning hours of September 11, 2001, the skies above the United States became the scene of one of the most devastating acts of terrorism the world has ever seen. At 8:46 AM, American Airlines Flight 11 struck the North Tower of the World Trade Center, followed just 17 minutes later by United Airlines Flight 175 colliding with the South Tower. Within hours, both skyscrapers collapsed in a shower of debris and chaos, transforming the iconic Manhattan skyline into a landscape of devastation and desolation.

The attack on the Twin Towers, planned by the terrorist organization Al Qaeda, was not only a series of physical explosions, but also a psychological and emotional blow to humanity. The events of that day led to a complete re-evaluation of security and defense policies around the world. The United States, for example, implemented significant changes to its aviation security and established the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), redesigning strategies to confront global threats.

The impact also extended to international relations. Military interventions in Afghanistan and Iraq, and the adoption of new surveillance and counter-terrorism policies reflect a drastic change in the global approach to security. Furthermore, September 11 provoked profound reflection on tolerance and multiculturalism, challenging societies to confront prejudices and build bridges of understanding.

Twenty-three years later, memories of that day remain fresh in the minds of those who experienced the events firsthand. Monuments and memorials, such as the 9/11 Memorial on the site where the Twin Towers once stood, have been erected to honor the victims and remind future generations of the price of peace and the need for unity.

September 11 is a day of reflection, mourning, and reaffirmation of commitment to a safer and more united world. As we face new global challenges, the legacy of that day continues to inspire a continued search for justice and understanding. On this anniversary, we pay tribute to those we lost and to those who continue to work to ensure that such a devastating event never happens again.

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